The Determination of heavy metals in wine products in Montenegro in order to protect consumer health: Determination of heavy metals in wine products in Montenegro in order to protect consumer health

The Determination of heavy metals in wine products in Montenegro in order to protect consumer health

Determination of heavy metals in wine products in Montenegro in order to protect consumer health


  • Tanja Vojinovic University of Montenegro, Faculty of Medicine, Krusevac 81 000, Podgorica, Montenegro
  • Marko Jaukovic Jugoinspekt Beograd ad, Laboratory for testing the quality and health of products, Cika Ljubina 8/VI 11000, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Zorica Potpara University of Montenegro, Faculty of Medicine, Krusevac 81 000, Podgorica, Montenegro
  • Sehija Dizdarevic University of Montenegro, Faculty of Medicine, Krusevac 81 000, Podgorica, Montenegro
  • Refik Zejnilovic University of Montenegro, Faculty of Pharmacy, Krusevac 81 000, Podgorica, Montenegro


Potentiometric stripping analysis; Heavy metals; Red and Rosé wines; Human health protection


Summary. Background/Aim: Wine may contain essential macronutrients and mircoelements, but it can also be a source of heavy metals. Heavy metals significantly affect the quality and shelf-life of wine, even when present in micro- quantities. The aim of this study is to investigate the possibility of determining the content of heavy metals, zinc, cadmium, lead, copper, in the red and rosé wines samples, produced by the Montenegro, using potentiometric stripping analysis. Methods: Testing 12 samples of the red and rosé wines, produced by Montenegro, in five replications, were performed using the potentiometric stripping analysis (PSA) technique, whereas comparative analyses were performed using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) by flame and graphite technique. Results: The results of testing a total of 12 red and rosé wine samples using potentiometric striping analysis (PSA) and flame atomic absorption analysis (AAS) and graphite technique, indicate that the heavy metals content of Zn, Cd, Pb and Cu was in the range (values are expressed in ppb) of: 277.14 - 305.5; 8.98 - 13.83; 45.87 - 59.94 for the red wine; and 14.21 - 19.02: 321.88 - 414.58; 3.05 - 4.41; 36.88 - 44.56; 19.48 - 22.17 for the rosé wine. Conclusion: The results obtained in this study, as well as the complexity and the duration of the analysis, lead to the conclusion that it is justified to employ potentiometric stripping analysis in determining the heavy metal content in wine.


          Key words: Potentiometric stripping analysis; Heavy metals; Red and Rosé wines; Human health protection


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How to Cite

Vojinovic T, Jaukovic M, Potpara Z, Dizdarevic S, Zejnilovic R. The Determination of heavy metals in wine products in Montenegro in order to protect consumer health: Determination of heavy metals in wine products in Montenegro in order to protect consumer health. Progr Nutr [Internet]. 2020 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];22(3):e2020029. Available from: