About the Journal

La Medicina del Lavoro is a bimonthly magazine founded in 1901 by L. Devoto, and then directed by L. Preti, E. Vigliani, V. Foà, P.A. Bertazzi (Milan), and now by A. Mutti (Parma). It is owned by and is the official journal of the Italian Society of Occupational Medicine (SIML), aimed at training and updating professionals concerned with Occupational Health.



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Online First

We Need to Develop, Not Forget, Our Toxicological Knowledge

Pietro Apostoli
Abstract 0 PDF | Downloads 0

Occupational Exposure to Benzene and Risk of Breast Cancer: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Monireh Sadat Seyyedsalehi, Vincent Destefano, Darshi Shah, Veer Shah, Mattia Bonetti, Paolo Boffetta
Abstract 0 PDF | Downloads 0

Psychometric Evaluation of a Measure of Evidence-Based Practice in Occupational Health

Mr Jani Ruotsalainen, Dr Kati Päätalo, Dr Kari-Pekka Martimo, Professor Tuula Oksanen
Abstract 0 PDF | Downloads 0

Nightshift Rotation Schedule and Fatigue in U.K. and Italian Nurses

Rosamaria Lecca, Alison Westwell, Elisa Casaglia, Michela Figorilli, Elizabeth Murphy, Monica Puligheddu, Martie Van Tongeren, Pierluigi Cocco
Abstract 0 PDF | Downloads 0

Factor Structure, Psychometric Properties, and Measurement Invariance of the Pandemic Experiences and Perceptions Scale Among Italian Hospital Workers

Igor Portoghese, Maura Galletta, Michael P. Leiter, Ilenia Piras, Luigi Isaia Lecca, Monica Puligheddu, Marcello Campagna
Abstract 0 PDF | Downloads 0

Depression and anxiety in voluntarily unemployed people: a systematic review

Ivan Borrelli, Paolo Emilio Santoro, Giuseppe Melcore, Antongiulio Perrotta, Maria Francesca Rossi, Maria Rosaria Gualano, Umberto Moscato
Abstract 0 PDF | Downloads 0

Current Issue

Vol. 115 No. 4 (2024)

Published: 27-08-2024

Reviews, Commentaries, Perspectives

Critical Issues in Assessing Occupational Exposure to Diesel Dust Exhaust

Giuseppina Folesani, Monica Gherardi, Maricla Galetti, Pier Giorgio Petronini, Fabrizio De Pasquale, Delia Cavallo, Massimo Corradi
Abstract 195 | PDF Downloads 339

Page e2024029

Original articles

Two Decades of Fatal Workplace Accidents in Milan and Monza, Italy: Trends, Work Sectors, and Causes From Autoptic Data

Laura Maria Antonangeli, Luca Pietro Ernesto Sbrissa, Michelangelo Bruno Casali, Matteo Bonzini
Abstract 289 | PDF Downloads 321

Page e2024023

Trends in Asbestos Exposure and Malignant Mesothelioma Incidence in Emilia-Romagna Italy: A Retrospective Study 1996-2023

Fausto Giacomino, Francesco Marinelli, Isabella Bisceglia, Marco Cacchi, Cinzia Storchi, Carmine Pinto, Lucia Mangone, Antonio Romanelli, Fortunato Morabito
Abstract 302 | PDF Downloads 359

Page e2024028

Examining the Effect of Sleep Hygiene Education Given to Nursing Students on Sleep Quality

Çiğdem Müge Haylı, Seockhoon Chung, Mehmet Zeki Avcı, Dilek Demir Kösem
Abstract 171 | PDF Downloads 304

Page e2024026

Validation of the Work-Related Quality of Life Scale in Rehabilitation Health Workers: A Cross-Sectional Study

Ilaria Ruotolo, Giovanni Sellitto, Anna Berardi, Francescaroberta Panuccio, Rachele Simeon, Fabio D'Agostino, Giovanni Galeoto
Abstract 156 | Supplementary file Downloads 255 PDF Downloads 254

Page e2024025

Case report

Return to Work After Release From Prison

Stefano Massimo Candura, Domenico Madeo, Claudia Negri, Fabrizio Scafa
Abstract 160 | PDF Downloads 295

Page e2024027

View All Issues

The historical series of Occupational Medicine is available in digital format

The Italian Society of Occupational Medicine and the editorial staff of La Medicina del Lavoro proudly announce that the entire collection of the journal since 1901 is now available in digital format. The years up to 1925 were published under the masthead "Il Lavoro", which became the current one from 1925, i.e., from volume 16.

The link to the historical series of the magazine can be obtained through the Libraries Service of the State University of Milan at the link https://collezioni.unimi.it/dcb/rivlavoro/index.php. Pending IT developments, access to all volumes identified by year is guaranteed. Once you have obtained access to the volume (all years) or the file (from 1972 to 2002), you can search for individual words or strings by typing Ctrl+F and filling in the window that opens at the top right. From 2003 onwards, the journal is now accessible at https://mattioli1885journals.com/index.php/lamedicinadellavoro.

Our journal can fully adhere to the Open Science process thanks to the agreement between SIML, the State University of Milan, and the publisher "Mattioli 1885". This philosophy encourages transparency, reproducibility, and responsibility in scientific research. It aims to make the research results accessible to all in a free and open way, respecting the authors’ intellectual property to be acknowledged through the citation of their work.


La serie storica de La Medicina del Lavoro è disponibile in formato digitale

La Società Italiana di Medicina del Lavoro e la Redazione de La Medicina del Lavoro annunciano con orgoglio che l'intera collezione della rivista dal 1901 è ora disponibile in formato digitale. Le annate fino al 1925 sono state pubblicate sotto la testata “Il Lavoro”, divenuta quella attuale dal 1925, cioè dal volume 16.

Il collegamento alla serie storica della rivista si ottiene tramite il Servizio Biblioteche dell’Università Statale di Milano al link https://collezioni.unimi.it/dcb/rivlavoro/index.php. In attesa di sviluppi informatici, è garantito l’accesso a tutti i volumi identificati dall’annata. Una volta ottenuto l’accesso al volume (tutte le annate) o al fascicolo (dal 1972 al 2002), si possono ricercare singole parole o stringhe digitando Ctrl+F e riempendo la finestra che si apre in alto a destra. Dal 2003 in poi la rivista è accessibile al sito https://mattioli1885journals.com/index.php/lamedicinadellavoro.

Grazie all’accordo tra SIML, Università Statale di Milano e la casa editrice “Mattioli 1885”, la nostra rivista può vantare la piena adesione al processo Open Science, una filosofia che incoraggia la trasparenza, la riproducibilità e la responsabilità nella ricerca scientifica e mira a rendere i risultati della ricerca accessibili a tutti in modo gratuito e libero, nel rispetto della proprietà intellettuale degli autori, da riconoscere attraverso la citazione del loro lavoro.