Effect of linseed diet and hazelnut skin supplementation on oxidative status and blood serum metabolites in rabbits

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Alessia Candellone
Pier Giorgio Peiretti http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7072-3974
Arianna Binello
Stefania Bergagna
Giorgia Meineri


linseed, hazelnut skins, palm oil, rabbit, oxidative status, health, welfare.


Rabbits in groups of eight were fed for nine weeks with diets containing linseed, rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (LS), linseed plus hazelnut skins, with antioxidant function (LS+HS), or palm oil, rich in saturated fatty acids (PO).  The aim of this work was to compare the effects of aforementioned diets on serum biochemical parameters related to nutritional and inflammatory status, immune function and oxidative balance [triglycerides, cholesterol, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), lysozyme, reactive oxygen species and antioxidant power, respectively]. At the end of the study redox imbalance (with a significant increase in oxidative stress and decrease in antioxidant defenses) was greatest in rabbits fed the LS diet (without additional antioxidant protection) compared to the other two groups  (P<0.05). Also the blood value of lysozyme, an immune parameter linked to inflammatory phenomena, was greater in the LS compared to the other two groups (P <0.05). ALT remained unchanged in all three groups, while a significant increase in AST, triglycerides, and cholesterol was noted in the group fed the PO diet as compared to the other two groups (P<0.05). In conclusion, the most favorable and healthy values were found in rabbits fed with diets containing linseed and supplemented with hazelnut skins (LS+HS group).

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