Investigation of the Relationship between Food Addiction and Anxiety, Depression and Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity in Obese and Non-Obese: Food Addiction Anxiety Depression Hiperactivity Obese Non Obese

Investigation of the Relationship between Food Addiction and Anxiety, Depression and Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity in Obese and Non-Obese

Food Addiction Anxiety Depression Hiperactivity Obese Non Obese


  • Gizem Akcan Bartın University, Faculty of Literature, Psychology Department, Bartın
  • Seda Uğraş İstanbul University- Cerrahpasa Institute Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, İstanbul
  • Itır Tarı Cömert Fatih Sultan Mehmet University, Psychology Department, İstanbul
  • Hülya Yükseloğlu İstanbul University- Cerrahpasa Institute Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences
  • Dilek İşlek İstanbul University- Cerrahpasa Institute Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, İstanbul
  • Erkut Tutkun Uludağ University, Faculty of Sport Department


obesity, food addiction, anxiety, depression, hyperactivity


The aim of this study is to show the relationship between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and food addiction in obese patients. It is thought that obese people have more tendency to have food addiction. Moreover, it is thougt that ADHD is related with food addiction and especially impulsivity subdimension has strong relationship with food addiction. Obesity is one of the biggest health problems common in the world. In this study, it is observed that the variables of age, gender, educational status, marital status and alcohol use and the presence of psychopathological disorders such as anxiety and anxiety are important risk factors for obesity. For this reason, it can be said that by giving priority to women at high risk, organizing prevention and intervention studies for related risk factors will be effective in preventing and controlling obesity. In addition, it can be thought that performing awareness raising and encouraging studies in terms of the importance of healthy eating and regular exercise habits in the fight against obesity will decrease the incidence of obesity.


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How to Cite

Akcan G, Uğraş S, Tarı Cömert I, Yükseloğlu H, İşlek D, Tutkun E. Investigation of the Relationship between Food Addiction and Anxiety, Depression and Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity in Obese and Non-Obese: Food Addiction Anxiety Depression Hiperactivity Obese Non Obese. Progr Nutr [Internet]. 2021 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];23(1):e2021024. Available from: