L’alimentazione nella donna diabetica gravida
Abstract 91 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 351Page 3-8
Metal chelates in nutrition. Structural features, functions and analytical methods
Abstract 232 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 1395Page 9-19
Original articles
The influence of calcium on renal stone disease
Abstract 80 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 1679Page 20-28
Effects of dietary w-3 fatty acids content on productive performances and meat quality of Martina Franca donkey foals
Abstract 127 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 132Page 29-38
Xenobiotics concentration and mobility in bovine milk from Italian farms
Abstract 147 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 53Page 39-45
Antioxidative effects of sulphurous water from Macerata Feltria Thermal resort in patients with osteoarthritis
Abstract 208 | PDF Downloads 79Page 46-52
Baseline respiratory quotient predicts weight change in overweight and obese young women
Abstract 125 | PDF Downloads 94Page 53-57
6° Convegno Nazionale: Acidi grassi polinsaturi w-3,CLA e Antiossidanti” Ancona, 21-23 Giugno 2007
Abstract 238 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 43Page 58-59