Smart working and tele-conferences during the lockdown caused by COVID-19 bring new editorial guidelines
Abstract 411 | PDF Downloads 210Page 247-248
Advances in Occupational Medicine Research
Criteria for diagnosis and attribution of an occupational musculoskeletal disease
Abstract 728 | PDF Downloads 503Page 249-268
Original articles
Risk of cataract in health care workers exposed to ionizing radiation: a systematic review
Abstract 1077 | PDF Downloads 650Page 269-284
Personal protective equipment (PPE) use and its relation to accidents among construction workers
Abstract 3440 | PDF Downloads 1571Page 285-295
Occupational acute pesticide poisoning: a cross-sectional study of Turkish vegetable and fruit farmers based on self-reported symptoms and job characteristics
Abstract 647 | PDF Downloads 324Page 296-305
The influence of work context and organizational well-being on psychophysical health of healthcare providers
Abstract 920 | PDF Downloads 513Page 306-320
Short communications
First aid and basic life support resuscitation in occupational settings in COVID-19 pandemic
Abstract 756 | PDF Downloads 142Page 326-327
The 1711 rinderpest in Bernardino Ramazzini's XIII Oration and the COVID-19 public health emergency: facts and common aspects
Abstract 401 | PDF Downloads 161Page 321-325
Letters to the Editor
“Occupational Medicine in the time of COVID-19” – chances beyond workplace settings
Abstract 170 | PDF Downloads 95Page 328-329
Esposizione ad amianto e mesoteliomi pleurici nella fabbricazione di bambole
Abstract 149 | PDF Downloads 42Page 330-331