We are pleased to inform you we have just published online the new issue: La Medicina del Lavoro 1/2025
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La Medicina del Lavoro | Work, Environment, and Health is a small, independently managed, and fully open-access journal that has not applied any article processing charge. All articles are published under the license CC BY-NC 4.0. Thanks to the Italian Society of Occupational Medicine’s generous sponsorship of its official journal, only scientific merit makes us decide whether to accept or decline submissions. Once accepted, all manuscripts are published free of charge.
We are pleased to inform you we have just published online the new issue: La Medicina del Lavoro 1/2025
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We are pleased to inform you we have just published online the new issue: La Medicina del Lavoro 6/2024
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We are pleased to inform you we have just published online the new issue: La Medicina del Lavoro 5/2024
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We are pleased to inform you we have just published online the new issue: La Medicina del Lavoro 4/2024
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We are pleased to inform you we have just published online the new issue: La Medicina del Lavoro 3/2024
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We are pleased to inform you we have just published online the new issue: La Medicina del Lavoro 2/2024
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We are pleased to inform you we have just published online the new issue: La Medicina del Lavoro 1/2024
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We are pleased to inform you we have just published online the new issue: La Medicina del Lavoro 6/2023
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We are pleased to inform you we have just published online the new issue: La Medicina del Lavoro 5/2023
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We are pleased to inform you we have just published online the new issue: La Medicina del Lavoro 4/2023
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We are pleased to inform you we have just published online the new issue: La Medicina del Lavoro 3/2023
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The Italian Society of Occupational Medicine and the editorial staff of La Medicina del Lavoro proudly announce that the entire collection of the journal since 1901 is now available in digital format. The years up to 1925 were published under the masthead "Il Lavoro", which became the current one from 1925, i.e., from volume 16.
The link to the historical series of the magazine can be obtained through the Libraries Service of the State University of Milan at the link https://collezioni.unimi.it/dcb/rivlavoro/index.php. Pending IT developments, access to all volumes identified by year is guaranteed. Once you have obtained access to the volume (all years) or the file (from 1972 to 2002), you can search for individual words or strings by typing Ctrl+F and filling in the window that opens at the top right. From 2003 onwards, the journal is now accessible at https://mattioli1885journals.com/index.php/lamedicinadellavoro.
Our journal can fully adhere to the Open Science process thanks to the agreement between SIML, the State University of Milan, and the publisher "Mattioli 1885". This philosophy encourages transparency, reproducibility, and responsibility in scientific research. It aims to make the research results accessible to all in a free and open way, respecting the authors’ intellectual property to be acknowledged through the citation of their work.
We are pleased to inform you we have just published online the new issue: La Medicina del Lavoro 2/2023
Click on the link to see the Table of Contents
We are pleased to inform you we have just published online the new issue: La Medicina del Lavoro 1/2023
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We are pleased to inform you we have just published online the new issue: La Medicina del Lavoro 6/2022
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We are pleased to inform you we have just published online the new issue: La Medicina del Lavoro 5/2022
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We are pleased to inform you we have just published online the new issue: La Medicina del Lavoro 4/2022
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We are pleased to inform you we have just published online the new issue: La Medicina del Lavoro 3/2022
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We are pleased to inform you we have just published online the new issue: La Medicina del Lavoro 2/2022
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We are pleased to inform you we have just published online the new issue: La Medicina del Lavoro 1/2022
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Affranti e sgomenti, abbiamo il triste compito di annunciare l’improvvisa scomparsa, a soli 48 anni, del prof. Matteo Goldoni, Associate Editor della nostra rivista.
Nato a Modena il 04/05/1973, nel 1998 si è laureato in Fisica con 110/110 e lode presso l’Università di Parma, dove ha poi seguito un Corso di perfezionamento in Tossicologia Industriale ed Ambientale e ottenuto nel 2008 il Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze della Prevenzione, entrando a far parte del Centro di Eccellenza per la Ricerca tossicologica dell’ISPESL, poi INAIL, fino a diventarne il direttore nel 2018. ...
We are pleased to inform you we have just published online the new issue: La Medicina del Lavoro 5/2021
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We are pleased to inform you we have just published online the new issue: La Medicina del Lavoro 4/2021
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Procede la digitalizzazione della raccolta completa della nostra rivista (“Il Lavoro” dal 1901 al 1924, “La Medicina del Lavoro” dal 1925 in poi).
The digitalization of the complete collection of our journal (“Il Lavoro” and then “La Medicina del Lavoro” from the 16th volume onwards) is advancing.
L’impegno della SIML per l’aggiornamento e la formazione professionale durante la pandemia di COVID-19
La prolungata situazione emergenziale che ha messo a dura prova il nostro Paese, specie in alcune sue regioni, ha rappresentato anche per i Medici del Lavoro un terreno di impegno e innovazione rispetto ai contenuti tradizionali della professione, delineata nel sintetico inquadramento proposto dall’editoriale che apriva il numero 2 del vol. 111 di questa rivista (5). ....
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I soci SIMLII in regola col pagamento della quota annuale hanno diritto all’abbonamento online gratuito (previo contatto con la Segreteria SIMLII) e possono usufruire dell’abbonamento cartaceo con lo sconto speciale del 50%.