About the Journal

La Medicina del Lavoro is a bimonthly magazine founded in 1901 by L. Devoto, and then directed by L. Preti, E. Vigliani, V. Foà, P.A. Bertazzi (Milan), and now by A. Mutti (Parma). It is owned by and is the official journal of the Italian Society of Occupational Medicine (SIML), aimed at training and updating professionals concerned with Occupational Health.



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Online First

The Protection of Women and Children at Work

Livia Lollini
Abstract 0 PDF | Downloads 0

Forward-Thinking: How a Century Ago Protecting Women and Children in the Workplace Laid the Groundwork for Gender Medicine and Decent Work

Michele Augusto Riva, Maria Emilia Paladino
Abstract 0 PDF | Downloads 0

Celebrating the Legacy of a Century of Scientific Research Published by La Medicina del Lavoro

Antonio Mutti
Abstract 0 PDF | Downloads 0

Diagnosing and reporting of occupational diseases: a quality assessment study in a sample of reports from an Italian workplace safety prevention service

Luigi Isaia Lecca, Sergio Pili, Michele Lai, Alessandro Murru, Giuseppe Campo, Antonio Pizzuti, Stefano Mattioli, Marcello Campagna
Abstract 0 PDF | Downloads 0

Occupational Diesel Exposure and Brain Tumors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Abstract 0 PDF | Downloads 0 Supplementary file | Downloads 0

Workplace Violence in Tertiary Hospitals: Unraveling Its Detrimental Effects on Healthcare Workers’ Job Engagement

Habip BALSAK, Mehmet Özel
Abstract 0 PDF | Downloads 0

Current Issue

Vol. 115 No. 6 (2024)

Published: 19-12-2024


Reflecting on Success and Looking Towards the Future

Antonio Mutti
Abstract 142 | PDF Downloads 351

Page e2024044


Per- And Poly-Fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Exposure and Risk of Breast, and Female Genital Cancers: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Monireh Sadat Seyyedsalehi, Elizabeth Maria Kappil, Sirui Zhang, Tongzhang Zheng, Paolo Boffetta
Abstract 610 | PDF Downloads 610

Page e2024043

Human Exposure to Asbestos in Central Asian Countries and Health Effects: A Narrative Review

Zhyldyz Kurzhunbaeva, Kenesh Dzhusupov, Andrea Spinazzè, Silvia Damiana Visonà, Cholpon Sulaimanova, Omor Kasymov, Elena Belluso, Claudio Colosio
Abstract 287 | Supplementary file Downloads 248 PDF Downloads 252

Page e2024042

Original articles

COVID-19 Pandemic's Effects on Occupational Health and Perceived Work Ability of a Large Group of Italian Banking Employees

Marco Mendola, Marco Leoni, Giuseppe Marano, Maurizio Coggiola, Dario Russignaga, Elia Biganzoli, Paolo Carrer
Abstract 203 | PDF Downloads 274

Page e2024038

Immediate Effects of Whole Body Vibration on Proprioception and Upper Extremity Reaction Speed in Young Adult Students

Cagtay Maden, Sedat Yiğit, Demet Karabulut, Fatma Betül Kavak, Hatice Yıldırım, Gönül Elpeze, Mehmet Göl
Abstract 187 | PDF Downloads 278

Page e2024045

Reliability and Validity of the Turkish Version of Work-Related Questionnaire for Upper Extremity Disorders (WORQ-UP)

Meltem Koç, Cansu Dal, Emin Kürşat Bulut, Banu Bayar, Kılıçhan Bayar
Abstract 160 | PDF Downloads 271

Page e2024040

Short communications

Adapting the HSE-MS Indicator Tool for Academia: A Psychometric Evaluation of the Academic Teacher Stress Indicator Tool in Italian

Francesco Marcatto, Donatella Ferrante, Lisa Di Blas, Francesca Larese Filon
Abstract 126 | PDF Downloads 239

Page e2024041

Letters to the Editor

Fatal Accidents – Authors' Reply

Lalla Bodini, Susanna Cantoni, Giovanni Falasca, Battista Magna, Laura Maria Antonangeli, Luca P.E. Sbrissa, Michelnagelo B. Casali, Matteo Bonzini
Abstract 138 | PDF Downloads 248

Page e2024039

Occupational Health Society Documents

New Prospects for Rural Health Collaboration

Claudio Colosio, Petar Bulat
Abstract 89 | PDF Downloads 211

Page e2024046

View All Issues

The historical series of Occupational Medicine is available in digital format

The Italian Society of Occupational Medicine and the editorial staff of La Medicina del Lavoro proudly announce that the entire collection of the journal since 1901 is now available in digital format. The years up to 1925 were published under the masthead "Il Lavoro", which became the current one from 1925, i.e., from volume 16.

The link to the historical series of the magazine can be obtained through the Libraries Service of the State University of Milan at the link https://collezioni.unimi.it/dcb/rivlavoro/index.php. Pending IT developments, access to all volumes identified by year is guaranteed. Once you have obtained access to the volume (all years) or the file (from 1972 to 2002), you can search for individual words or strings by typing Ctrl+F and filling in the window that opens at the top right. From 2003 onwards, the journal is now accessible at https://mattioli1885journals.com/index.php/lamedicinadellavoro.

Our journal can fully adhere to the Open Science process thanks to the agreement between SIML, the State University of Milan, and the publisher "Mattioli 1885". This philosophy encourages transparency, reproducibility, and responsibility in scientific research. It aims to make the research results accessible to all in a free and open way, respecting the authors’ intellectual property to be acknowledged through the citation of their work.


La serie storica de La Medicina del Lavoro è disponibile in formato digitale

La Società Italiana di Medicina del Lavoro e la Redazione de La Medicina del Lavoro annunciano con orgoglio che l'intera collezione della rivista dal 1901 è ora disponibile in formato digitale. Le annate fino al 1925 sono state pubblicate sotto la testata “Il Lavoro”, divenuta quella attuale dal 1925, cioè dal volume 16.

Il collegamento alla serie storica della rivista si ottiene tramite il Servizio Biblioteche dell’Università Statale di Milano al link https://collezioni.unimi.it/dcb/rivlavoro/index.php. In attesa di sviluppi informatici, è garantito l’accesso a tutti i volumi identificati dall’annata. Una volta ottenuto l’accesso al volume (tutte le annate) o al fascicolo (dal 1972 al 2002), si possono ricercare singole parole o stringhe digitando Ctrl+F e riempendo la finestra che si apre in alto a destra. Dal 2003 in poi la rivista è accessibile al sito https://mattioli1885journals.com/index.php/lamedicinadellavoro.

Grazie all’accordo tra SIML, Università Statale di Milano e la casa editrice “Mattioli 1885”, la nostra rivista può vantare la piena adesione al processo Open Science, una filosofia che incoraggia la trasparenza, la riproducibilità e la responsabilità nella ricerca scientifica e mira a rendere i risultati della ricerca accessibili a tutti in modo gratuito e libero, nel rispetto della proprietà intellettuale degli autori, da riconoscere attraverso la citazione del loro lavoro.