Acute effect of pulses based functional muffins on food intake, postprandial glucose and appetite regulation in healthy females
Postprandial blood glucose, Pulses based dietary interventionAbstract
Background/Aims: The core intention of recent exploration was to investigate the impact of pulse based dietary intervention (muffins) on blood Glucose (BG) & average appetite before and after an ad libitum pizza meal and on food intake (FI). Methods: Purposely, a crossover, repeated measure design was adapted by involving 12 healthy females (18–30 years old: with a normal BMI 20–24·9 kg/m2) randomly provided 4 treatments (isovolumetric and isocaloric): T1 (control: muffin without pulses), T2 (Lentil based muffins prepared by pulses floor replacement @ 20% with conventional floor), T3 (Mung bean based muffins prepared by pulses flour replacement @ 20% with conventional floor) and T4 (Combination of Lentil+Mung bean based muffins prepared by pulses floor replacement @ 10+10%, respectively with conventional floor), followed by a provision of pizza meal after the 120minutes. BG and average appetite was measured at 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 minutes for pre meal and 140 and 170 minutes for post meal. Whereas, food intake was measured at a pizza meal (140 minutes). Results: The pulses based muffins caused reduced food intake (p<0.0001) at later pizza meal, in this context, mung bean based muffins imparted more pronounced impact then the rest of the treatments. Likewise trend was observed for post treatment period (0–120minutes), significant (p<0.0001) decline in BG and average appetite by all treatments, however again T2 exhibited better response then the rest. The order of effectiveness to tackle BG and average appetite for pre and post meal period T2>T3>T1>T0. Conclusion: Conclusively, the type of pulses has stronger influence on short term glucose, average appetite and reduce food intake after subsequent meal might be due to difference in their protein contents. The pulses with higher protein exhibited better glycemic control. Moreover, pulses based functional foods should be developed to tackle the glycemic responses owing to their appetite and food intake lowering perspective.
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