The Effect of Probiotic Use on Some Blood Parameters in Overweight and Obese Women Who Follow a Weight-Loss Diet: The Probiotic Use on Overweight and Obese Women Following a Weight-Loss Diet

The Effect of Probiotic Use on Some Blood Parameters in Overweight and Obese Women Who Follow a Weight-Loss Diet

The Probiotic Use on Overweight and Obese Women Following a Weight-Loss Diet


  • Yeşim İşgüzar Orak Ph.D., Yeşim İşgüzar Beslenme, Diyet ve Sağlıklı Yaşam Merkezi, Gaziantep/Turkiye
  • Sıdıka Bulduk University of Gazi, Department of Nutrition & Dietetics
  • Mehmet Baştemir Prof Dr, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, Sanko University, Gaziantep/Turkiye


weight-loss diet, overweight, obesity, probiotic, body composition


Background and aim: This study was conducted to determine the effect of 8-week probiotic use on body composition and blood parameters in overweight and obese women who are on a weight loss diet

Methods: 34 women with a BMI value above 25 kg/m2 participated. The individuals participating in the research were divided into two groups. For eight weeks, the experimental group was given a weight loss diet program, exercise program and oral probiotic nutritional supplement containing various probiotic strains in the amount of 1.5x109 cfu/g in each capsule twice a day; The control group was given a weight loss diet program and an exercise program without probiotic supplementation. Anthropometric measurements of the individuals (height baseline, body weight, waist, hip and neck circumference, body mass index, waist/hip circumference and waist-height ratio) in both groups were evaluated statistically at the initial, 4th and 8th weeks. Some biochemical parameters were measured at the beginning of the study and the end of the 8th week.

Results: A significant difference was found between body weight, body mass index, waist circumference, hip circumference, waist-height ratio, body fat percentage, and body fat mass measurements (p<0,001). Significant improvements were found in LDL-C, fasting insulin, AST and TSH values in both groups (p<0.05). While the HOMA-IR values were significantly lower, HDL-C values were found to be significantly higher at the end of the study in the experimental group (p<0.05).

Conclusions: Balanced hypocaloric diet caused significant improvements in anthropometric measurements and blood parameters in experimental and control groups. The use of probiotics has positive effects on HOMA-IR and HDL-C values in the experimental group.



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İşgüzar Orak Y, Bulduk S, Baştemir M. The Effect of Probiotic Use on Some Blood Parameters in Overweight and Obese Women Who Follow a Weight-Loss Diet: The Probiotic Use on Overweight and Obese Women Following a Weight-Loss Diet. Progr Nutr [Internet]. 2022 Sep. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];24(3):e2022117. Available from: