Cladode Age and Location Effect on Nutritional Value of Opuntia ficus indica
Opuntia ficus indica, cactus, nutritional value, mineral contentAbstract
Opuntia ficus indica leaves (i.e. cladotus) are vital as a source of fodder for ruminant animals in arid and semi-arid climates of the world. In this study, the purpose was to determine the nutritional values and mineral contents of Opuntia ficus indica cladotus of 3 different ages obtained from the natural flora in two different locations in the Mediterranean region of Turkey (Tarsus - Mersin, and Kozan - Adana). The crude protein content (%), acid detergent fiber (%), neutral detergent fiber (%), digestible dry matter ratio (%), dry matter intake value (%), relative fodder value, Ca (%), Mg (%), K (%), P (%), Ca/P (%), and K/(Ca+Mg) (%) were examined in the present study. As a result of the study, it was found that the Tarsus location had higher crude protein, Mg, and Ca/P values, and the Kozan location had higher Ca, K, and P values. Cladotus age had an impact on all these investigated characteristics except for P and Ca/P ratios. It was also found that young cladotus had higher crude protein (13.18%), digestible dry matter (69.16%), dry matter intake (5.47%), relative fodder value (293.43), Ca (2.62%), K (2.44%), and K/(Ca+Mg) (0.75%) values, these characteristics decrease as the age of cladotus proceeds; however, ADF, NDF, and Mg contents are higher in older cladotus. As a result, one- and two-year-old opuntia cladotus can be made use of as an alternative fodder for ruminant nutrition in dry periods of the year when the amount and quality of grass production decreases.
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