Exploration of the effect of small sided games on the technical skills, internal and external loads of main and joker players

Exploration of the effect of small sided games on the technical skills, internal and external loads of main and joker players


  • aliasker kumak Marmara University Institute of Health Sciences, Istanbul
  • Ali Kizilet Marmara University Institute of Health Sciences, Istanbul
  • Tuba Kizilet Bodoğan Marmara University Institute of Health Sciences, Istanbul


soccer, small sided games, game with joker, technical skill, internal and external load.


Introduction: The aim of the study is to explore the impact of main and joker players on technical skill responses and internal and external load levels in SSGs. Methods: The participants of the study are 8 elite U17 players who plays in the academy of a professional team training regularly at least five days a week. The height of the participants is 178,9 ± 3,2cm, the body mass is 71,6 ± 4,6 kg and body mass index is 20,01 ± 1,03 kg/m’. SSGs have been performed in a 15x25 meters field, without jokers (3x3), with 1 joker (3x3+1j) and with 2 jokers (3x3+2j). While analyzing data, as a conclusion of test of normality; for the group of 2 Independent Group T-Test or Mann Whitney U test; for the groups of 3 or more ANOVA or Kruskal Wallis H Test have been performed. The significance level has been evaluated as p<0,05. Results: There was no statistically significant difference among HR, HRmax, HRmax% levels of the players (p>0,05). Significant difference was detected in 2 joker games (3x3+2j) in total distance, distance/minute, maximum speed and high intensity running distances of the main players (p<0,05). It is determined that the lactate level and rate of perceived exertion of main players were significantly higher compared to joker players (p<0,05). Conclusions: At the end of the study, it was observed that the use of joker players which provides numerical inferiority/superiority in SSGs effects internal and external load responses of both main and joker players while making the games more fastmoving.


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How to Cite

kumak aliasker, Kizilet A, Kizilet Bodoğan T. Exploration of the effect of small sided games on the technical skills, internal and external loads of main and joker players . Progr Nutr [Internet]. 2021 Jul. 2 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];23(2):e2021207. Available from: https://mattioli1885journals.com/index.php/progressinnutrition/article/view/11750