A Native Mobile-Based App for Nutritional Self-Care Behavior Assessment
Assessment of A Mobile Nutritional Application
Diet therapy, mobile app, nutritional behavior, mobile health, self-careAbstract
Background: While obesity and weight mismatch are of the commonest health challenges worldwide, the advancement of mobile technology and its entry into the field of health have proven to have a significant role in weight control and self-care in nutritional behavior. Purpose: the purpose of the study was to develop and evaluate an integrated communication app on the nutritional behavior of users and their opinion of the app usability. Methods: Fit-mail App for Nutritional Self-care (FANS) was developed according to the app development methodology including design, implementation, and evaluation phases. The FANS was provided to 50 students of Ahvaz University of Medical Sciences who voluntarily participated in the study. Nutritional behavior was examined using the FANS during two stages before and after a 60-day period. The usability and nutrition activity were assessed in the students who completed the intervention of a mobile app on the nutritional behavior study. Results: The results showed statistically significant differences between the two questionnaires before using FANS with mean = 61.7292 and after that mean = 92.1042 (p-value <0.001). The results showed that the frequency of having a goal to increase physical activity has changed before and after using the FANS. Moreover, the results showed that using self-care app in nutritional behavior to check calorie intake with 40% was the most and getting information on nutrition with 18% the least important goal of the users. Conclusions: According to the results, a native mobile-based app can play valuable role in promoting healthy activities. Moreover, it enhanced people's attitude to adherence to diet and self-care consequently.
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