The Compositional and nutritional inventory of naturally mutant strain Auricularia cornea var. Li. edible mushroom from China

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Rebecca Roy


amino acid profile, Auricularia fuscosuccinea, Auricularia polyticha, fatty acid profile, macro nutrient, nutritional composition


Auricularia cornea var. Li. is a natural mutation strain of A. cornea which has been preferred by
consumers for its white colour, good taste with their pharmacological properties. Even though there are many
reports about the cultivation technologies, to the best of our knowledge, very few studies have been performed
on nutritional compositions of white species of Auricularia. Therefore, this study aimed at determining the
nutritional compositions of A. cornea var. Li..Eighty percent of sawdust, 18% of wheat bran and 2% of lime
were used as cultivation substrate. Results were obtained by the mean ± S.E of three independent determinationsbased on the dry weight. Total dietary fiber was the dominant compound (78.94 g/100g), followedby protein (8.68 g/100g), carbohydrates (6.31 g/100g), ash (2.43 g/100g) and fat (0.91 g/100g). Potassium(1121.66 mg/100g) was the most abundant mineral, followed by magnesium (143.23 mg/100g), calcium(108.97 mg/100g) and sodium (29.22 mg/100g) in tested samples. A. cornea var. Li. has been found to containall the essential amino acids. Glutamic acid was recorded more than 13% of the total detected amino
acid content and linoleic acid was recorded more than 43% of total detected fatty acid content in this study.
Although this mushroom desired for its color and flavor, it has found to be a good source of total dietary fibers,
proteins, trace functional minerals, and low fat content, making it an ideal component in healthy diets.

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