Maternal and fetal outcome in pregnant women after nutritional health education program
An interventional study at Zagazig university hospitals
Gestational weight gain, nutritional education, obstetric outcomeAbstract
Background: Nutrition during pregnancy is an important element for the pregnant women and their fetus, they must take enough calories and nutrients to provide the essential requirements for both themselves and their fetus and to prevent complications of abnormal weight gain in pregnancy. Objectives: To determine the effect of the nutritional health education on changing knowledge, attitude and practice towards healthy pregnancy, obtaining optimal weight and its effect on obstetric outcome. Subjects and Methods; An interventional study (pre-posttest) was conducted in Zagazig university antenatal care clinic and included 135 pregnant female. Methods: Data collection was done through a semi-structured questionnaire about females’ socio-demographic characteristics, obstetric, family and clinical history. Health education sessions were applied on the pregnant females and their knowledge, attitude and practice about healthy nutrition were assessed before and after the intervention. Ultrasound was performed, obstetric outcomes were detected. Results: This study was conducted on 135 pregnant female. After the nutritional education program, the proportion of adequate knowledge, attitude and practice was increased from (28.2% to 77.3%-8.2% to 75.5% and 32.7% to 77.3%) respectively (p-value <0.001). There was statistically significant higher cesarean section, intra and post-partum complications (85.7% vs 42.9%p<0.001), (71.4% vs17.2% p<0.001) and (25.7%vs7.1% p=0.008) (Odds (C.I 95%); 8(2.7-23.1), 12.1(4.6-31.6) and 4.5(1.4-14.7)), higher neonatal weight and blood glucose (p<0.001& 0.009) in over-weight versus optimal weight gain groups respectively. Conclusion: The intervention was effective on improving pregnant females’ knowledge, attitude and practice towards healthy nutrition during pregnancy, getting optimal weight gain and consequently maternal and fetal outcome.
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