Geriatric Nutrition Risk and Creatinine Indexes in Estimating the Nutritional Status of Elderly Hemodialysis Patients: GNRI and CI in Estimating the Nutritional Status of Elderly Hemodialysis Patients

Geriatric Nutrition Risk and Creatinine Indexes in Estimating the Nutritional Status of Elderly Hemodialysis Patients

GNRI and CI in Estimating the Nutritional Status of Elderly Hemodialysis Patients


  • Funda Datlı Yakaryılmaz Malatya Education and Training Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Geriatric Medicine
  • Irem Pembegül Department of Nephrology, Medical Faculty of Turgut Ozal University, Malatya, Turkey
  • Murat Kara Department of Parasitology, Medical Faculty of Inonu University, Malatya, Turkey


GNRI, CI, hemodialysis, elderly, MNA-SF


Objective: Malnutrition is a common complication in hemodialysis (HD) patients, although it cannot be evaluated adequately due to the limitations of available malnutrition screening tools. The aim of our study is to evaluate the relationship between Mini nutritional Assessment-Short Form (MNA-SF) and objective malnutrition tool Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index (GNRI) and Creatinine Index (CI) in HD patients.

Methods: This is a cross-sectional study of 129 patients aged 65 years and older (female=61 (47.3%) and male=68 (52.7%), 68.88 ± 7.24 years) receiving maintenance HD therapy. Malnutrition was diagnosed with MNA-SF. GNRI and CI were calculated using existing formulas.

Results: Of the participants, 26 (20.15%) were diagnosed with severe malnutrition, 25 patients (19.4%) were at risk of malnutrition and 78 (60.45%) were diagnosed with normal nutritional status. The optimal cut-off value for GNRI <95 was determined in predicting malnutrition with GNRI, sensitivity and specificity 85.4% and 88.6%, respectively. CI (< 20); It was not found effective in determining malnutrition patients due to its low sensitivity and specificity (sensitivity and specificity of 35.9% and 45.0%, respectively). GNRI (<95) is a better predictor of malnutrition screening than CI (<20).

Conclusions: In the evaluation of undernourished elderly HD patients, GNRI was as effective as MNA-SF, but CI was insufficient in detecting malnutrition individuals.

Keywords: GNRI, CI, hemodialysis, elderly



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Yakaryılmaz FD, Pembegül I. Geriatric Nutrition Risk and Creatinine Indexes in Estimating the Nutritional Status of Elderly Hemodialysis Patients: GNRI and CI in Estimating the Nutritional Status of Elderly Hemodialysis Patients. Progr Nutr [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];24(2):e2022090. Available from: