Use of nutritional supplements amongst individuals exercising at gymnasiums

Use of nutritional supplements amongst individuals exercising at gymnasiums


  • Shizma Junejo Bahria University Medical & Dental College Karachi
  • Shazia Shakoor Bahria University Medical & Dental College Karachi
  • Zille Huma Mustehsan Fazaia Medical College Islamabad
  • Mehreen Lateef Bahria University Medical & Dental College Karachi
  • Hamza Iftikhar Bahria University Medical & Dental College Karachi
  • Sarah Rabbani Bahria University Medical & Dental College Karachi


Physical exercise, gymnasium, nutritional supplements, sports


Background: Various surveys all over the world have elucidated the extent of use of nutritional supplements for enhanced exercise as well as athletic performance. The use of nutritional supplements is becoming increasingly popular amongst individuals exercising in gymnasiums. The popular uses of nutritional supplements by individuals exercising in gymnasiums include  improved performance, rapid weight loss and prevention of injury.Objective: To assess use of nutritional supplements amongst individuals exercising at various gymnasiums in Karachi and Islamabad. Methods: This descriptive, cross-sectional study included 300    participants.  The questionnaires included information related to socio-demographics, activity level at work, days in a week exercising at gymnasium, types of exercises at gymnasium , benefits  experienced after nutritional supplements use, weight, height, smoker or non-smoker, number of cigarettes smoked in a day by participants who were smokers and  the number of hours the participants slept in a day.   Informed consent was taken from all participants prior to participation in this study. Following attainment of consent, participants were provided with questionnaires. Results: In this study 324 (74.5%) participants were aware of nutritional supplements. Majority 108 (24.8%) reported improved performance. Whey protein emerged as the nutritional supplement being used by majority of participants in this study. Associations between use of nutritional supplements before and after exercise with reasons, frequency, types and benefits were significant with a p value of less than 0.05. Conclusion: Use of nutritional supplements by individuals exercising in gymnasium can be highly beneficial for improved performance and prevention of injury.

Author Biographies

Shizma Junejo, Bahria University Medical & Dental College Karachi

Senior Lecturer, Pharmacology Department 

Shazia Shakoor, Bahria University Medical & Dental College Karachi

Professor Physiology,  Department 

Zille Huma Mustehsan, Fazaia Medical College Islamabad

Lecturer, Community Medicine Department 

Mehreen Lateef, Bahria University Medical & Dental College Karachi

Head of Department ,Multidisciplinary Research Lab and Associate Professor,  Biochemistry Department 

Hamza Iftikhar, Bahria University Medical & Dental College Karachi

MBBS Third Year Student

Sarah Rabbani, Bahria University Medical & Dental College Karachi

Graduate of Bahria University Medical & Dental College in the year 2019 


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How to Cite

Junejo S, Shakoor S, Mustehsan ZH, Lateef M, Iftikhar H, Rabbani S. Use of nutritional supplements amongst individuals exercising at gymnasiums. Progr Nutr [Internet]. 2021 Oct. 7 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];23(3):e2021186. Available from: