The Prevalence of Food Insecurity among Young Adults in Faculty of Agriculture: A Cross-Sectional Case Study of Northwest Turkey
The Prevalence of Food Insecurity among Young Adults in Faculty of Agriculture
Agricultural engineering, food insecurity, Household Food Security Survey Module, National Nutrition Survey, university students, young adults.Abstract
Food insecurity is lack of consistent access to safe, nutritious and sufficient food at all time. This pilot study aimed to determine the prevalence of food insecurity and related socio-demographic factors among Turkish agricultural engineering students. A cross-sectional survey design was used, involving a self-reported questionnaire with 388 agricultural engineering students at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey. The National Nutrition Survey and Household Food Security Survey Module were used in the questionnaire in addition to the students’ demographic attributes. Chi-square Independence Tests were used to identify any relationship between sociodemographic characteristics and the food insecurity status of the students. The reported prevalence of food insecurity among Turkish agricultural engineering students extended to one-third (33.0 %) of the total. There were found to be significant relationships between food insecurity status and students’ year of study, employment status, grant/credit status and living arrangements. Living and eating conditions for students on campus need to be improved by low-cost meals, accommodation with basic cooking facilities and food banks.
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