La medicina del lavoro di fronte alle nuove sfide socio-sanitarie: l’esempio delle alcol dipendenze / Occupational Medicine faces new health challenges: the example of alcohol dependence
Abstract 121 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 20Page 443/445
Special articles
Epidemiologia dei consumi e dei problemi alcol-correlati in Italia / Epidemiology of alcohol intake and alcohol-related problems in Italy
Abstract 186 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 21Page 446-453
Alcool e risposta comportamentale disadattiva / Alcohol and disadaptive behavioural response
Abstract 80 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 23Page 454-459
Comorbilità neurologica dell’alcolismo di rilevanza occupazionale e relazionale / Occupational relevance of alcohol related neurological involvement
Abstract 80 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 35Page 460-465
Un marcatore biologico per la diagnosi di abuso alcolico: CDT / CDT: a biological marker of alcohol abuse
Abstract 2338 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 320Page 466-474
Attribuzioni e nuove responsabilità del Medico Competente / Occupational physicians’ new attributions and responsibilities
Abstract 77 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 24Page 475-481
Alcol e lavoro: commento etico-deontologico e medico-giuridico della recente normativa / Alcohol and work: ethical-deontological and medico-legal remark upon the recent set of rules
Abstract 48 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 19Page 482-486
Alcol e lavoro in edilizia / Alcohol and construction workers
Abstract 83 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 19Page 493-500
Consumo di alcol, idoneità complesse e responsabilità verso terzi: l’esperienza di una coorte di addetti al trasporto pubblico urbano / Alcohol intake, complex ability and responsibility towards others: experience on a cohort of personnel employed to public transport services
Abstract 49 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 24Page 501-512
Interazioni fra consumo di alcol ed esposizione lavorativa ad agenti chimici / Interactions between alcohol and work exposure to chemical substances
Abstract 316 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 24Page 513-520
Alcol e lavoro: mantenimento della sobrietà e reinserimento lavorativo / Alcohol and work: remaining sober and return to work
Abstract 83 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 22Page 521-526
Third International Conference on the History of Occupational and Environmental Health - The History of Work, Environment and Health, Dudley, West Midlands 18-21 April 2007
Abstract 40 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 17Page 480-481