Un marcatore biologico per la diagnosi di abuso alcolico: CDT / CDT: a biological marker of alcohol abuse
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I tests di laboratorio possono essere utili nel ricercare i forti bevitori, nell’individuare il ruolo dell’alcol come agente eziologico della malattia, nel follow-up e nel monitoraggio di cambiamenti nel consumo di alcol. Un marcatore diagnostico ideale di abuso alcolico cronico dovrebbe avere: un’elevata specificità, un’elevata sensibilità, essere correlato in modo specifico con il metabolismo dell’alcol, essere dipendente dal consumo di alcol e avere un tempo di dimezzamento (t1/2 ) relativamente breve in modo da poter monitorare l’astinenza. La CDT o Carbohydrate-Deficient-Transferrin, risponde a queste caratteristiche e offre al medico un rilevante apporto come marcatore di abuso cronico di alcol. La CDT rivela un consumo di alcol di 50-80 g di etanolo al giorno, equivalenti ad una bottiglia di vino a 11-13 gradi, per 2 settimane consecutive, con una normalizzazione dopo 2-4 settimane di astinenza (t1/2 CDT=15 giorni). Rispetto ai marcatori di abuso alcolico più comuni, come GGT e MCV, la CDT è il marcatore più specifico e fornisce in abbinamento, informazioni più complete.
CDT: a biological marker of alcohol abuse
Background: Laboratory tests may be useful tools in the identification of heavy drinkers, in identifying the etiological role of alcohol in the onset of the disease, and in monitoring changes in alcohol intake. Objectives: An ideal diagnostic marker of alcohol abuse should: be characterized by high specificity and sensitivity; show an high specific correlation with alcohol metabolism; be dependent on alcohol intake and have a relatively short half-life (t1/2) so as to be able to monitor abstinence periods. Conclusions: CDT (Carbohydrate-Deficient-Transferrin) meets all these requirements and offers the physician a significant tool as a marker of chronic alcohol abuse. CDT can reveal a daily alcohol consumption of 50-80 g of ethanol, corresponding to a bottle of 11°-13° wine, for two consecutive weeks, with normalization after two weeks of abstinence (t1/2 of CDT is 15 days). Compared with other more common alcohol abuse markers, such as GGT or MCV, CDT is more specific and provides more detailed information.
CDT: a biological marker of alcohol abuse
Background: Laboratory tests may be useful tools in the identification of heavy drinkers, in identifying the etiological role of alcohol in the onset of the disease, and in monitoring changes in alcohol intake. Objectives: An ideal diagnostic marker of alcohol abuse should: be characterized by high specificity and sensitivity; show an high specific correlation with alcohol metabolism; be dependent on alcohol intake and have a relatively short half-life (t1/2) so as to be able to monitor abstinence periods. Conclusions: CDT (Carbohydrate-Deficient-Transferrin) meets all these requirements and offers the physician a significant tool as a marker of chronic alcohol abuse. CDT can reveal a daily alcohol consumption of 50-80 g of ethanol, corresponding to a bottle of 11°-13° wine, for two consecutive weeks, with normalization after two weeks of abstinence (t1/2 of CDT is 15 days). Compared with other more common alcohol abuse markers, such as GGT or MCV, CDT is more specific and provides more detailed information.