Bioethics: beyond the boundaries of disciplines

Bioethics: beyond the boundaries of disciplines


  • Rosagemma Ciliberti Università di Genova
  • Valeria Schiavone
  • Linda Alfano


care ethics, environment, interdisciplinarity, one health, circular health, education, integral ecology, human sciences, vulnerability


The extension of our moral horizon beyond spatial and temporal boundaries constitutes a significant stage in the development of an authentically human ethic.

The guiding idea is that of the expanding circle, i.e. a circle that gradually widens to encompass ever larger and more intertwined areas, in a planetary dimension.

In such a vision, the challenge posed to bioethics should be the elaboration of an ethic of responsibility on a global scale as the only one adequate to address the crucial problems of survival for a humanity understood as a community of destiny.

The challenges posed by the complexity of the current social context call for an education geared towards the development of transversal skills through a constant multi- and interdisciplinary approach and with the aid of a plurality of conceptual and methodological tools.

The authors describe what they experienced when teaching doctors and dentists on a joint training course at the University of Genoa.


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How to Cite

Ciliberti R, Schiavone V, Alfano L. Bioethics: beyond the boundaries of disciplines. Med Histor [Internet]. 2023 May 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];7(S1):e2023012. Available from:

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