Bioethics: beyond the boundaries of disciplines

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Rosagemma Ciliberti
Valeria Schiavone
Linda Alfano


care ethics, environment, interdisciplinarity, one health, circular health, education, integral ecology, human sciences, vulnerability


The extension of our moral horizon beyond spatial and temporal boundaries constitutes a significant stage in the development of an authentically human ethic.

The guiding idea is that of the expanding circle, i.e. a circle that gradually widens to encompass ever larger and more intertwined areas, in a planetary dimension.

In such a vision, the challenge posed to bioethics should be the elaboration of an ethic of responsibility on a global scale as the only one adequate to address the crucial problems of survival for a humanity understood as a community of destiny.

The challenges posed by the complexity of the current social context call for an education geared towards the development of transversal skills through a constant multi- and interdisciplinary approach and with the aid of a plurality of conceptual and methodological tools.

The authors describe what they experienced when teaching doctors and dentists on a joint training course at the University of Genoa.

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