War-related disability: Ancient or recent history?
Roman army, missio causaria, mission honesta, war-related disability, war, disabled soldiersAbstract
This article examines the significance and evolution of war-related disability throughout Italy's history. The concept of war-related disability has antique roots, with references dating back to ancient Rome, where severely wounded war veterans were entitled to social and financial assistance for their reintegration into civilian life through the "missio causaria" system. The First World War marked a turning point in the history of war-related disability. With the introduction of new weapons and military technologies, the number of injured and disabled soldiers reached unprecedented proportions. The post-war challenges called for a more organized and systematic approach to create specific assistance and rehabilitation structures for veterans.
The Second World War and subsequent conflicts further underscored the attention given to the issues of war-related disability. Countries around the world sought to provide medical care, rehabilitation, and psychological support to disabled veterans, although often with inequalities and gaps. Despite progress made, the recognition of disabled veterans' rights and their full inclusion in society remain crucial objectives.
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