Published: 09-12-2019
Full Issue
Towards an international future
Abstract 186 | PDF Downloads 61Page 129-130
Original articles: History of Medicine
Pancio of Controne (1275 ca.-1340), a Tuscan physician at the courts of Edward II and Edward III of England
Abstract 260 | PDF Downloads 136Page 131-138
The plague of 1630 in Modena (Italy) through the study of parish registers
Abstract 282 | PDF Downloads 420Page 139-148
Scholars and medicine in Sicily between the 18th and 19th centuries Medical knowledge and universal history
Abstract 177 | PDF Downloads 348Page 149-155
The young Nicola Pende and the ambiguous adrenal gland: at the origins of Italian endocrinology
Abstract 169 | PDF Downloads 205Page 156-169
Paolo Mascagni and Alessandro Moreschi: who discovered the vascular structure of urethra? Anatomy of an intellectual property dispute
Abstract 302 | PDF Downloads 304Page 170-180
Review articles: History of Medicine
Heterogenic transfusion in Italy. Historical review of a medical practice
Abstract 631 | PDF Downloads 143Page 181-184
The light of knowledge. Brief historical outline of some of the talented people who changed the destiny of the blind, from Haüy to Brail
Abstract 229 | PDF Downloads 464Page 185-187
Thyroid surgery before the technologic revolution: from Samuel Gross’ “torrents of blood” to Paolo Miccoli’s video-assisted thyroidectomy
Abstract 462 | PDF Downloads 331Page 188-195
Original articles: Paleopathology
Bioarchaeology of the human remains of the so-called “sailor” from the site of the ancient ships of Pisa - San Rossore
Abstract 312 | PDF Downloads 217Page 196-205
Original articles: Bioethics
Genome editing: slipping down toward Eugenics?
Abstract 220 | PDF Downloads 90Page 206-218
Letter to Editor: History of Medicine
Voices from the past defending Criminal Anthropology
Abstract 271 | PDF Downloads 83Page 219-220
Letter to Editor: Bioethics
A light in the dark: the history and ethics of a therapeutic relationship
Abstract 155 | PDF Downloads 79Page 221-222