Published: 18-11-2020

Original articles: History of Medicine

Medical approach to disability. A history of a multifaceted relationship

Cinzia Leone
Abstract 166 | PDF Downloads 125

Page e2020002

Original articles: Bioethics

Adult stem cells in cardiovascular medicine: historical overview and ethical issues

Maria Rosa Montinari
Abstract 240 | PDF Downloads 86

Page e2020011

Medicine education through a Gender lens

Anna Siri, Omar Larentis, Rosagemma Ciliberti
Abstract 366 | PDF Downloads 104

Page e2020010

The contribution of ethical reflection during the Coronavirus pandemic. A comparative analysis.

Mario Picozzi, Paolo Severgnini
Abstract 305 | PDF Downloads 141

Page e2020009

Original articles: Paleopathology

Dental palaeopathology seen through historical, archaeological and biological sources in ancient Herculaneum (79 AD, Italy)

Carmen Tanga, Joan Viciano, Francesca Monza, Ruggero D'Anastasio, Luigi Capasso
Abstract 341 | PDF Downloads 153

Page e2020007

Review articles: History of Medicine

Case study: Paleopathology

Exhumation and anthropological study of the skeletal remains attributed to Liutprand, King of the Lombards (c. 690-744 AD)

Raffaele Gaeta, Simona Minozzi, Antonio Fornaciari, Valentina Giuffra, Giulia Riccomi, Carmine Lubritto, Gino Fornaciari
Abstract 268 | PDF Downloads 283

Page e2020008

Letter to Editor: History of Medicine

Girolamo Fabrici d’Acquapendente’s “nasogastric tube”. Strategies for artificial nutrition between the XVI and XVII centuries

Paolo Zampetti, Andrea Cozza, Maurizio Rippa Bonati
Abstract 197 | PDF Downloads 180

Page e2020005

The Babiński sign: from “toes phenomenon” to “great toe phenomenon”

Francesco Brigo
Abstract 150 | PDF Downloads 154

Page e2020006

Book reviews

Book reviews

Editorial Office
Abstract 161 | PDF Downloads 85

Page e2020012