The relationship between emotional eating and mindfulness among wrestlers
Emotional Eating, Mindful Attention Awareness, Wrestling, AthleteAbstract
Study Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between wrestlers’ emotional eating and mindfulness levels and sub-dimensions of these scales. Methods: 382 wrestlers (58 women and 324 men) who were actively wrestling in Turkey participated in the study as volunteers. Personal information form, Emotional Eating Scale (EEQ-TR) and Mindfulness Inventory for Sport (MIS) were used as data collection tools in the study. Independent sample t-test and Pearson correlation analysis test were used to analyse the data. Results: As a result of the study; according to the variable of being national athlete, when the emotional eating and the level of mindfulness were examined, it was determined that the national athletes had a higher average than the non-national athletes in terms of the type of food, the sub-dimensions of guilt and emotional eating (p<0.05). It was determined that there was no difference in the mindfulness inventory and its sub-dimensions according to being national athlete variable (p> 0.05). When the relationship between MIS and its sub dimensions (disinhibition, the type of food, the feeling of guilt), and EEQ and its subdimensions (awareness, non-judgment, and refocusing) were examined, it was found that there was a negative correlation between disinhibition sub-dimension and awareness (r=-.145; p= <.01), refocusing (r=-.203; p= <.01), and MIS (r = -.129; p= .05). Moreover, there was a weak negative relationship between the type of food and refocusing sub-dimension (r=-.132; p= <.05), and a weak positive correlation was found between guilt, non-judgment (r=.182; p= <.01), refocusing (r=.101; p= <.05), and MIS (r=-.113; p= <.05). ). Conclusion: The physically and psychologically negative effects of emotional eating may cause the level of awareness of athletes to decrease. However, undesirable results may occur in the training programs and preparation processes of the athletes.
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