The roles of some agility performance parameters on the linear, single sprint skills of young male basketball and handball players

The roles of some agility performance parameters on the linear, single sprint skills of young male basketball and handball players


  • Murat Bilge Faculty of Sports Sciences, Kırıkkale University, Kırıkkale, Turkey
  • Emine Caglar Faculty of Sports Sciences, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
  • Jose Miguel Saavedra Physical Activity, Physical Education, Sport and Health Research Centre (PAPESH), Sports Science Department, School of Science and Engineering, Reykjavik University, Reykjavik, Iceland


Agility Parameters, Speed, Illinois Agility Test, 505 Agility Test, T Test, Team Sports


Study Objectives: This study aimed to examine the roles of some agility parameters on the linear, single sprint skills among young male basketball and handball players. Methods: The participants in this study were male basketball players (BP) (n = 15,  ±SD= 15.30±0.48) and handball players (HP) (n = 32,  ±SD= 16.81±1.63) who trained regularly, and a control group (CG) (n=31,  ±SD= 15.87±0.80). They participated in 0 to 30 m linear speed tests, a T test, a 505 agility test, and an Illinois agility test. Changes in direction, side stepping, reversing direction, and running backward were the main sub-parameters of agility performance that constituted the independent variables. A multiple regression analysis was conducted if these independent variables predicted the 0 to10 m, 10 to 30 m, and 0 to 30 m sprint performances separately. One way ANOVA was performed to determine group differences in all the independent variables. Results: The ANOVA revealed statistically significant differences between groups for the independent variables (p < 0.001). The Tukey HSD test indicated that all three groups significantly differed from each other. Conclusion: As a result, it can be concluded that agility parameters contributed to speed skills. It is recommended that the exercises that include agility parameters should be used when designing training, especially in team sports.


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How to Cite

Bilge M, Caglar E, Saavedra JM. The roles of some agility performance parameters on the linear, single sprint skills of young male basketball and handball players. Progr Nutr [Internet]. 2020 May 26 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];22(1-S):72-9. Available from: