A contribution to the validation of the Italian version of the work-related quality of life scale

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Giacomo Garzaro
Marco Clari
Francesca Donato
Valerio Dimonte
Nicola Mucci
Simon Easton
Darren Van Laar
Paola Gatti
Enrico Pira


Work-related quality of life, Scale validation, Psychometric properties


Background: Quality of working life has been shown to play a key role in reducing strain inside and outside the workplace, supporting the fulfillment of workers’ wellbeing and increasing workforce productivity. Van Laar et al. in 2007 developed the Work-Related Quality of Life (WRQoL) scale that was applied to several different work environments and translated into nine languages. Objectives: We aimed to test and validate an Italian version of the WRQoL scale. Methods: A cross-sectional design was conducted to collect a sample of healthcare professionals (N=430) in 8 hospitals in the Northwest of Italy. Internal consistency of each scale was tested through Cronbach’s alpha. A Confirmatory factor analysis was performed. Independent samples t-tests and ANOVA were performed to determine whether the scores on the subscales differed according to various socio-demographic variables. Results: A seven factors structure was confirmed (Control at work; General well-being; Home-work interface; Stress at Work; Job and career satisfaction; Working conditions; Employee Engagement; χ2=682.453, p<.001; χ2 and df(251) ratio=2.71; CFI=.90; RMSEA=.06; SRMR=.06). All subdimensions showed Cronbach’s alphas ≥ 0.70 but for Stress at Work (alpha 0.65). The subscales differentiated between groups of people according to several socio-demographic characteristics (i.e., profession, age, length of employment). Discussion: The Italian version of WRQoL is a brief and sufficiently reliable tool that can contribute to a more complex and complete evaluation of the psychological well-being at work due to its multidimensionality. Overall, the use of this tool in occupational health practice, in addition to that of other instruments already available, should prove useful in monitoring workers’ well-being before and after interventions.

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