Alcool e risposta comportamentale disadattiva / Alcohol and disadaptive behavioural response
Contenuto principale dell'articolo
Alcohol intake, occupational alcohol-related risk, behavioural measures
La conoscenza dell’effetto dell’alcool sul comportamento individuale è noto soprattutto nei suoi aspetti generali e più evidenti ed è soprattutto noto nelle sue manifestazioni estreme, da una parte gli effetti acuti con le morti del sabato sera dovute non solo alla droga ma a forti dosi di alcolici con l’alterazione dei tempi di risposta e le reazioni comportamentali sia depressogene che aggressive e all’altro estremo i seri effetti cronici con le demenze, la sindrome Wernicke-Korsakoff, la sindrome amnesica, le polineuropatie tra le più conosciute. Meno facilmente individuabili sono le disfunzionalità cognitive e del comportamento in forti bevitori con elevata tolleranza all’alcool che per anni possono passare inavvertite sia dagli osservatori che dagli stessi interessati ed essere quindi alla base di variazioni del comportamento e della performance inizialmente saltuarie con rapido ritorno alla normalità e solo progressivamente e in tempi assolutamente individuali destinati a cronicizzare. Nelle realtà di lavoro dove molteplici fattori di rischio possono essere presenti diventa quindi essenziale soprattutto l’individuazione di questi soggetti a rischio. Due sono le aree da considerare quella dell’integrità cognitiva, i.e. memoria, funzioni visuo-motorie, capacità di analisi e quella del comportamento sia sociale che del controllo emozionale.
Alcohol and disadaptive behavioural response
Background and objectives: The knowledge of heavy drinking and dependence on working behaviour is known and reflect the general community opinion and therefore is known in its more general and/or extreme manifestations (weekend deaths, dementia, polineuropathies). Less known and rarely measured are alcohol effects in heavy drinkers who have a high level of tolerance and only show manifestations which for a long time can be considered normal or seen as subjective peculiarities. Discussion and conclusions: It is only in presence of serious accidents or dependence reactions that the drinking habit becomes evident. Cognitive, visuomotor and memory functions as well as personal and social behaviour should be examined but, it also appears that not all psychological measures are adequate to show the presence of possible cognitive deficiencies or behavioural dysfunction due to the fact that compensation mechanism can buffer for a long time alcohol behavioural effects.Two examples are described, reaction time measures and memory profiles.
Alcohol and disadaptive behavioural response
Background and objectives: The knowledge of heavy drinking and dependence on working behaviour is known and reflect the general community opinion and therefore is known in its more general and/or extreme manifestations (weekend deaths, dementia, polineuropathies). Less known and rarely measured are alcohol effects in heavy drinkers who have a high level of tolerance and only show manifestations which for a long time can be considered normal or seen as subjective peculiarities. Discussion and conclusions: It is only in presence of serious accidents or dependence reactions that the drinking habit becomes evident. Cognitive, visuomotor and memory functions as well as personal and social behaviour should be examined but, it also appears that not all psychological measures are adequate to show the presence of possible cognitive deficiencies or behavioural dysfunction due to the fact that compensation mechanism can buffer for a long time alcohol behavioural effects.Two examples are described, reaction time measures and memory profiles.