Advances in Occupational Medicine Research
The management of psychosocial risks at work: state of the art and future perspectives
Abstract 1544 | PDF Downloads 918Page 335-350
Original articles
COVID-19 pandemic and total mortality in the first six months of 2020 in Italy
Abstract 894 | PDF Downloads 469Page 351-353
Impact of wearing a surgical mask on respiratory function in view of a widespread use during COVID-19 outbreak. A case-series study
Abstract 3651 | PDF Downloads 698Page 354-364
Surgical masks vs respirators for the protection against coronavirus infection: state of the art
Abstract 1646 | PDF Downloads 917Page 365-371
Assessment of air and surfaces contamination in a COVID-19 non-Intensive Care Unit
Abstract 1173 | PDF Downloads 531Page 372-378
Cytological analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in asbestos-exposed workers
Abstract 671 | PDF Downloads 407Page 379-387
High strain and low social support at work as risk factors for being the target of third-party workplace violence among healthcare sector workers
Abstract 718 | PDF Downloads 447Page 388-398
Analysis of survival at cardiac arrest in events occurred in work environments in the territory served by an operations center of the 118 of Tuscany
Abstract 599 | PDF Downloads 211Page 399-403
Effectiveness of the measures aimed at containing Sars-cov-2 virus spreading in work settings: a survey in companies based in the Veneto region of Italy
Abstract 597 | PDF Downloads 139Page 404-410
Case report
Imaging and imagination in the diagnostics of asbestosis
Abstract 458 | PDF Downloads 308Page 411-412
Letters to the Editor
The OSNET project of the Tuscany Region: a cultural and assistential tool for managing work-related stress
Abstract 194 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 51Page 413-415
Vito Foà (1934-2020)
Abstract 337 | PDF Downloads 270Page 415-417