Original articles
Impact of climate change on occupational health and productivity: a systematic literature review focusing on workplace heat
Abstract 3497 | PDF Downloads 2022 Table suppl Downloads 85Page 163-179
Occupational health and safety of road haulage company employees
Abstract 475 | PDF Downloads 328Page 180-189
Falling asleep at the wheel and distracted driving. The High-Risk Professional Drivers study
Abstract 291 | PDF Downloads 57Page 190-200
Stakeholders’ views on vocational rehabilitation programs: a call for collaboration with Occupational Health Physicians
Abstract 429 | PDF Downloads 81Page 201-209
Perception of alcohol problem among workers of the transportation, healthcare and building sectors in the Lazio Region
Abstract 312 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 49Page 210-218
Salute e lavoro dopo procedure invasive cardiache, riabilitazione e valutazione occupazionale: studio prospettico pluriennale
Abstract 441 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 84Page 219-224
Mobile miniature X-ray evaluation and pneumoconiosis: the role of the Clinica del Lavoro in Milan (1941-1948)
Abstract 246 | PDF Downloads 31Page 225-235
Psychic discomfort at the workplace: Multidisciplinary Conference, Modena, October 25th, 2017
Abstract 70 | PDF Downloads 16Page 236-238