Tutela delle lavoratrici madri: documento di indirizzo operativo / Protection of working mothers: operational guide document
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Viene illustrato un documento di indirizzo operativo, la cui finalità è quella di tutelare la lavoratrice in gravidanza,puerperio o allattamento da attività lavorative che possono costituire un rischio per la sua salute e per quella delbambino. La sua stesura è stata elaborata da un gruppo tecnico formato da alcuni operatori dei Servizi di Prevenzionee Sicurezza negli Ambienti di Lavoro (PSAL) dell’Area Vasta 2 dell’ASUR Marche: medici, assistenti sanitarieed infermiere. Esso rappresenta uno strumento operativo utile nella fase essenziale della valutazione dei rischi inazienda ed è indirizzato a coloro che sono chiamati, con diversi obblighi e responsabilità, a tutelare la lavoratrice madre.Il documento è costituito da due parti “Tabella dei rischi” e “Schede Tecniche” che sono funzionalmente collegatefra loro. Nella “Tabella Rischi” sono analizzati con criteri di massima cautela i possibili rischi presenti negli ambientilavorativi per la donna in gravidanza o nel post-partum. Il gruppo tecnico ha inteso dare per ciascun rischio un proprioindirizzo di operatività in rapporto alla normativa vigente, alle conoscenze scientifiche attuali, alle Linee di indirizzodi altre Regioni avvalendosi nella stesura definitiva dell’intero documento del contributo della sezione regionaleMarche della SIMLII. Nella seconda parte del documento sono presenti le “Schede Tecniche” dei 34 settori produttivipiù rappresentati nel nostro territorio, in cui sono riportate, per ogni settore analizzato, le principali mansionie gli eventuali rischi presenti. Questo documento di indirizzo operativo rappresenta l’inizio di un percorso comuneper una più ampia attività promozionale e informativa a tutela della salute riproduttiva della lavoratrice madre.
Protection of working mothers: operational guide document.
Protection of working mothers: operational guidedocument. The aim of this operational guide document is to protect the health of working mothers and their babiesduring pregnancy, puerperium and breastfeeding. The project was developed by a technical working group whichincluded professionals in the pertinent fields from the Workplace Prevention and Safety Services of the local Vasta-2Area of the Marche Regional Health Service: physicians, health assistants, and nurses. It is considered to be a usefultool for risk assessment at the workplace aimed at professionals who are involved, with various duties and responsibilities,in the health care of the working mother. This paper consists of two functionally related sections, "Table ofrisks" and "Technical specifications". In the "Table of Risks" section, the occupational hazards for women during pregnancyor postpartum were analyzed with the highest possible degree of care. To this end the technical group provided,for each occupational hazard, its own operational suggestions, in relation to legislation, current scientific knowledgeand Guidelines of other Italian Regions. The Marche Regional Section of the Italian Society of OccupationalHealth and Industrial Hygiene (SIMLII) participated in the final draft of the entire document. The second section,"Technical Specifications", illustrates the main tasks and any risks involved in the 34 manufacturing sectors mostprevalent in this area. This operational guide document is intended to be the beginning of a common strategy inpublic health to achieve a wider field of action in promotion and information aimed at protecting the reproductivehealth of working mothers.
Protection of working mothers: operational guide document.
Protection of working mothers: operational guidedocument. The aim of this operational guide document is to protect the health of working mothers and their babiesduring pregnancy, puerperium and breastfeeding. The project was developed by a technical working group whichincluded professionals in the pertinent fields from the Workplace Prevention and Safety Services of the local Vasta-2Area of the Marche Regional Health Service: physicians, health assistants, and nurses. It is considered to be a usefultool for risk assessment at the workplace aimed at professionals who are involved, with various duties and responsibilities,in the health care of the working mother. This paper consists of two functionally related sections, "Table ofrisks" and "Technical specifications". In the "Table of Risks" section, the occupational hazards for women during pregnancyor postpartum were analyzed with the highest possible degree of care. To this end the technical group provided,for each occupational hazard, its own operational suggestions, in relation to legislation, current scientific knowledgeand Guidelines of other Italian Regions. The Marche Regional Section of the Italian Society of OccupationalHealth and Industrial Hygiene (SIMLII) participated in the final draft of the entire document. The second section,"Technical Specifications", illustrates the main tasks and any risks involved in the 34 manufacturing sectors mostprevalent in this area. This operational guide document is intended to be the beginning of a common strategy inpublic health to achieve a wider field of action in promotion and information aimed at protecting the reproductivehealth of working mothers.