Mattioli1885 has been at the forefront of research and scientific publishing since 1885. Today, Mattioli1885 continues to work with passion and consistency in the fields of communication, publishing, and scientific training.
Expression of the Society of Medicine and Natural Sciences of Parma and Centre on Health System's Organization, Quality and Sustainability, Parma. Acta Bio Medica is now one of the few Italian generals reviewed publications on major international databases. Divided into sectio ...
Aesthetic Medicine is a multidisciplinary Journal with the aim of informing readers about the most important developments in the field of Aesthetic Medicine.
The journal is the official publication of UIME (Union Internationale de Médecine Esthétique) ...
Dermatology Practical & Conceptual is the official journal of the International Dermoscopy Society. Dermatology Practical & Conceptual is an international peer-reviewed, PubMed-indexed, Open Access journal that publishes articles covering practical and conceptual ...
The European Journal of Oncology and Environmental Health is the official journal of the Collegium Ramazzini. The European Journal of Oncology and Environmental Health publishes high quality manuscripts on all aspects of oncology, environmental health, public health, occupatio ...
Bioarchaeology in a general sense is the discipline that deals with the study of any biological remains recovered from archaeological contexts. It concerns the analysis of human osteological remains of archaeological interest.
Bioarchaeology is an integrative, holistic fi ...
Medicina Historica. Studies in History, Paleopathology, Bioethics and Anthropology of Health è stata fondata nel 1910 come Rivista di Storia delle Scienze Mediche e Naturali e ha cambiato il suo nome nel 1957 in Rivista di Storia della Medicina. La rivista si incentr ...
La Medicina del Lavoro è una rivista bimestrale fondata nel 1901 da L Devoto e quindi diretta da L Preti, da EC Vigliani, da V Foà e da PA Bertazzi (Milano). Oggi diretta da A Mutti (Parma), è l'organo ufficiale della Società Italiana di Medicina del Lavoro (SIML) e si pr ...
Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine publishes on all aspects of respiratory medicine and related fields, with a particular focus on interdisciplinary and translational research. The interdisciplinary nature of the journal provides a unique opportunity for r ...
La rivista scientifica Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine, dedicata alla ricerca e allo studio nel campo delle malattie respiratorie, pubblica articoli originali, reviews, editoriali, states of the art, position papers e atti congressuali, commentaries, lettere all’edito ...
Progress in Nutrition nasce nel 1999 come rivista indipendente, di taglio multidisciplinare, dedicata ai temi della nutrizione e del metabolismo. E' organo ufficiale della Società Italiana di Scienza dell'Alimentazione ed è patrocina ...
Official Journal of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Society of Pediatric Neurology (SINP). The Italian Society of Pediatric Neurology is affiliated to the Italian Society of Pediatrics (SIP). Under the guidance of a prestigious national and international editorial boar ...
Sarcoidosis, Vasculitis and Diffuse Lung Diseases, la rivista che con il 2008 ha raggiunto il XXV anno di pubblicazione. Per rispondere al sempre più vasto interesse degli specialisti pneumologi, internisti e cardiologi per le malattie interstiziali e vascolari del polmone, d ...