Acanthosis nigricans, viceral fat, waist-hip ratio in obese adolescentswith metabolic syndrome

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Acanthosis nigricans, viceral fat, waist-hip ratio in obese adolescentswith metabolic syndrome



Metabolic syndrome, acanthosis nigricans, waist-hip-ratio, visceral fat, adolescent


Background and Aim: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) was prevalent in obese adolescents due to IR, while acanthosis nigricans (AN) was correlated with IR. This study analyzed the correlation between AN, waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), and visceral fat (VF) to the incidence of MetS in obese adolescents.

Methods: An observational study with a cross-sectional design in obese adolescents aged 15 to 18 was involved in the research, residing in the capital city of Surabaya during October-December 2023. Brief interviews, physical examinations such as AN, blood pressure measurement using an aneroid manometer, waist, hip, visceral fat measurement using Tanita, and related laboratory examinations were conducted.

Results: 72 subjects were included in the study. The prevalence of obesity was higher in girls (61.1%) than boys (38.9%). MetS was established in 48%, while AN in 44.4% of subjects. Fat distribution (WHR, WHtR, VF, and total body fat) was significantly higher in MetS and AN (P=0.001 and 0.012, respectively); MetS interacted with AN, and subjects with non-MetS and non-AN had lower WHtR, total body fat and visceral fat than subjects non-MetS with AN (P<0.05), subjects with MetS but without AN and subjects with AN (P<0.05). The incidence of AN in obese adolescents with MetS and Non-MetS could be caused by increased VF and WHR. The ROC curve for VF to determine MetS was 13, with a sensitivity of 91.3% and specificity of 33.3%. The cut-off point in obese with MetS for WHR was 0.844, with a sensitivity of 91.3% and specificity of 33.3%.

Conclusion: Increased >13 of VF and >0.844 for WHR in obese adolescents presented with AN was associated with a higher risk of developing MetS and can be proposed as a predictor for MetS in obese adolescents.


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How to Cite

Dewi KP, Widjaja NA. Acanthosis nigricans, viceral fat, waist-hip ratio in obese adolescentswith metabolic syndrome. Acta Biomed. 96(4):16703. doi:10.23750/




How to Cite

Dewi KP, Widjaja NA. Acanthosis nigricans, viceral fat, waist-hip ratio in obese adolescentswith metabolic syndrome. Acta Biomed. 96(4):16703. doi:10.23750/