Article Processing Charge (APC)

In open access publishing, the fulltexts of published articles are freely available to all the interested readers around the globe without delay. Article publishing in this open access journal is subject to publication charge. The journal scientific costs cover article production, marketing, technical infrastructure, innovation, editorial rates, marketing, electronic archiving (starting from 2003), and customer service costs. The fee will be billed to the submitting author or corresponding author upon acceptance of the article.


Starting from 13th February 2023, an article processing charge (APC) of 500,00 € (five hundred euros)(VAT included) will be due for the accepted papers. For Letters to the Editor a publication charge of 200,00 € (two hundred euros)(VAT included) is requested. The publication fees are requested to cover the cost of editorial work, editing, publishing online and in print.

The corresponding authors are responsible for making the payment or arranging it through his/her or Co-Authors institutions.

The fee should be paid after the acceptation of the article or letter to the Editor  before the final publication. These contributions will be published in accordance to the waiting list of ActaBiomed.

For Authors asking for "fast publication", a further charge will be requested  to cover the costs of  additional service. The APC is 800,00 € (eight hundred euros)(VAT included). The article will be published in the first available issue of ActaBiomed. The same procedure will be followed free of charge for papers considered as publication priority by the reviewers.

A reduced publication fee [300 € (three hundred euros)-VAT included] is reserved to Authors from low-income countries and Junior Doctors (under 35 years) submitting a paper as first name. Please add a statement of your professional position signed by the Affiliate Department Director.

Correspondence to the Editor as well as invited Reviews, Commentaries and Viewpoints, will be published free of charge.

Before the final publication you will receive an invitation from the editorial office for a further and last check of your accepted paper. After that, we will activate the plugin “Online first” and so you will be able to see your articles before the publication at the top of the website homepage in the “Online first” section.

Authors have complete right to withdraw the article after submission. If the author wishes to withdraw the article after complete article process (or) after reviewer process, then corresponding  author has to pay the withdrawal fee (50% of the Article processing charge). For any further queries related to APC/Waiver/Manuscript withdrawal, please contact the Managing Editor, dr Valeria Ceci.

Click on the button to download the required APC form.



(ONLY for Italy and only for the public administration; NOT for private)

Se siete una Pubblica Amministrazione, scaricate il modulo APC form, compilatelo e inoltratelo alla vostra Amministrazione per richiedere il Buono d’Ordine.
Per emettere fattura abbiamo bisogno del Buono d'Ordine e dei seguenti dati fiscali. Senza queste informazioni NON è POSSIBILE EMETTERE FATTURA:
- Ragione Sociale Completa
- Indirizzo Completo
- E-mail
- Codice PA (per fatturazione elettronica)
- Codice Fiscale e/o Partita IVA
- Dichiarazione di Split payment (sì o no)
- Ordine (se necessario per l’accettazione della fattura elettronica)
- CIG e/o CUP (se necessario per l’accettazione della fattura elettronica)
- ID/TITOLO dell'articolo

- SOLO per ITALIA e per PRIVATI (ONLY FOR ITALY and for private)
Per emettere la fattura abbiamo bisogno dei seguenti dati fiscali.
Senza queste informazioni NON è POSSIBILE EMETTERE FATTURA:
- Nominativo o Ragione Sociale Completa
- E-mail (per ricevere la fattura o Codice destinatario e/o PEC)
- Indirizzo completo (via, cap, località e provincia)
- codice fiscale e/o partita IVA,
- ID/TITOLO dell'articolo

info: [email protected]


(Last update version: 30 September 2024)