Prevalence of the bullying phenomenon in a schools sample of Palermo, Sicily: a pre-post intervention observational study among teachers: Bullying prevalence in sicilian schools

Prevalence of the bullying phenomenon in a schools sample of Palermo, Sicily: a pre-post intervention observational study among teachers

Bullying prevalence in sicilian schools


  • Claudio Costantino Department of Science for Health Promotion and Mother to Child Care “G. D’Alessandro”, University of Palermo
  • Gianmarco Ventura Università degli studi di Palermo
  • Claudia Marotta Department of Science for Health Promotion and Mother to Child Care “G. D’Alessandro”, University of Palermo
  • Stefania Enza Bono Department of Science for Health Promotion and Mother to Child Care “G. D’Alessandro”, University of Palermo
  • Evelina Arcidiacono Regional Educational Authority of Sicily, Palermo
  • Carlo Roberto Gambino Local Health Unit of Palermo
  • Maurizio Gentile Regional Educational Authority of Sicily, Palermo
  • Sara Palmeri Department of Science for Health Promotion and Mother to Child Care “G. D’Alessandro”, University of Palermo
  • Giovanna Ripoli Local Health Unit of Palermo
  • Claudia Emilia Sannasardo Department of Science for Health Promotion and Mother to Child Care “G. D’Alessandro”, University of Palermo
  • Pierfrancesco Sannasardo Local Health Unit of Palermo
  • Francesco Scarpitta Department of Science for Health Promotion and Mother to Child Care “G. D’Alessandro”, University of Palermo
  • Carlotta Vella Department of Science for Health Promotion and Mother to Child Care “G. D’Alessandro”, University of Palermo
  • Walter Mazzucco Department of Science for Health Promotion and Mother to Child Care “G. D’Alessandro”, University of Palermo
  • Alessandra Casuccio Department of Science for Health Promotion and Mother to Child Care “G. D’Alessandro”, University of Palermo
  • Vincenzo Restivo Department of Science for Health Promotion and Mother to Child Care “G. D’Alessandro”, University of Palermo


Bullying prevalence, secondary schools, teachers, socio-economic level.


Background and aim of the work: Bullying involves a significant percentage of school-age children. According to the latest available surveillance data, in Sicily, the estimated prevalence among 11-15 years old children is 14%. This study aimed to estimate a prevalence of the bullying phenomenon, observed by teachers, in a sample of secondary schools of Palermo, Sicily. Moreover, after the conduction of preventive interventions among teachers, aimed to evaluate any modification in bullying prevalence. Methods: A cluster sampling selection according to socio-economic level of the school neighborhood was carried out. Two anonymous online questionnaires, pre and post-intervention, were administered to the 63 teaching staff, belonging to second and third year classes of ten secondary schools enrolled. Preventive interventions were conducted among teachers by experienced researchers. Results: Prevalence of bullying reported decreased significantly from 44.4% to 19.0% (p-value 0.001), comparing pre and post-intervention questionnaires. A reduction in the prevalence of verbal and physical bullying and a concomitant slight increase of indirect bullying were also observed. All the characteristics, reported by the teaching staff, for describing bullies, victims and observers of bullying have been categorized under three different content domains (affective-relational discomfort, socio-cultural context, and character/natural disposition). Conclusions: The present study estimated the prevalence and the characteristics of bullying phenomenon in a sample of secondary schools of Palermo, evaluating the reduction of bullying episodes among students, after a preventive interventions conducted among teaching staff. Data obtained confirmed the effectiveness of this approach and suggested an extension of the project at Regional Level.






Up to Date: Health System Research

How to Cite

Costantino C, Ventura G, Marotta C, et al. Prevalence of the bullying phenomenon in a schools sample of Palermo, Sicily: a pre-post intervention observational study among teachers: Bullying prevalence in sicilian schools. Acta Biomed. 2018;89(3):443-451. doi:10.23750/abm.v89i3.7575