High-Fidelity in Urgency-Emergency Simulation: validation of a tool to determine the satisfaction of participants

High-Fidelity in Urgency-Emergency Simulation: validation of a tool to determine the satisfaction of participants


  • Diletta Calamassi School of Nursing, University of Florence;
  • Tiziana Nannelli Department of Medicine, Versilia Hospital, Azienda Toscana Nord Ovest
  • Andrea Guazzini Centre for the study of complex dynamics - CSDC - University of Florence
  • Stefano Bambi Emergency and Trauma Intensive Care Unit, DAI DEA, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi, Florence
  • Giampaola Gioachin Intensive Observation Unit, Emergency Department, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi, Florence
  • Riccardo Pini Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Firenze
  • Laura Rasero Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Firenze


High-Fidelity Simulation, emergency, satisfaction, validation


Background and aim of the work: In literature there are some tools to measure the satisfaction level related to high-fidelity simulation experience. This paper reports the construction and validation of a specific unique questionnaire in Italian (SESAF - Satisfaction of High-Fidelity Simulation Experience). Methods: After having reviewed various tools available in literature, and conducted some focus groups with high-fidelity simulation experts, the authors produced the SESAF tool. It was administered to 237 Physicians and nurses participated in high-fidelity simulation of emergency codes. Results: The factorial solution included 7 factors explaining the 71.65% of the total variance. Cronbach Alpha, reported an excellent reliability (0.97). Conclusions: SESAF can make comparable the satisfaction levels of HFS trainees among various centers.






Original article: Professional education

How to Cite

Calamassi D, Nannelli T, Guazzini A, et al. High-Fidelity in Urgency-Emergency Simulation: validation of a tool to determine the satisfaction of participants. Acta Biomed. 2016;87(2 -S):28-37. Accessed March 14, 2025. https://mattioli1885journals.com/index.php/actabiomedica/article/view/5425