Effectiveness of the GADHIES model in improving midwife health promotion skills

Effectiveness of the GADHIES model in improving midwife health promotion skills



Effectiveness, Feasibility, GADHIES Model, Health Promotion, Midwife Competency, Model Development, midwifery education, maternal health, preventive care


Background and aim of the work: Health education is a process that transforms behaviors, attitudes, and knowledge for specific health outcomes. This study aims to 1) Identify key characteristics of the GADHIES-based health education model that improve midwives' competencies in health promotion; 2) Develop this model to enhance these competencies; 3) Evaluate the effectiveness of the model's implementation in improving midwives' competencies.00

Methods: This study uses the Research and Development model and involves 66 village midwives across Langsa's health centers. Data collection included observations, interviews, documentation, questionnaires, and assessments. Research instruments and model design were validated by experts and trialed with midwives for feasibility and effectiveness. Trials occurred in two phases: a limited trial with 22 respondents and an extensive trial with 44 respondents.

Results: The study's findings indicate: 1) Village midwives identify critical characteristics of the GADHIES health education management model—empowerment, a behavioral science approach, precise purposes, result-oriented analysis, holistic perspective, and supportive tools—that enhance health promotion competencies; 2) The GADHIES model is valid and feasible for improving midwives' health promotion competencies in Langsa, with expert validation at 88.5% and user feasibility at 91.8%; and 3) The model effectively improves midwives' competencies in health promotion in Langsa, supported by paired sample t-test results and average normalized gain (N-Gain) scores of 0.86 and 0.68 from two trials.

Conclusions: The GADHIES health education management model has demonstrated significant efficacy in augmenting midwives' skills and competencies in health promotion. This effect has been particularly pronounced in Langsa, an Aceh Province city in Indonesia. Through the application of this model, midwives are increasingly proficient in providing comprehensive health education, consequently facilitating improved health outcomes in the community. 


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How to Cite

Malinda R, Zainuddin Z, Rosnelli R. Effectiveness of the GADHIES model in improving midwife health promotion skills. Acta Biomed. 2025;96(1):16547. doi:10.23750/abm.v96i1.16547