About the Journal

Acta Biomedica (ActaBiomed) is an international Journal on Clinical and Surgical Aspects of Medicine, peer-reviewed, open access, bi-monthly.

The Journal publishes mainly national and international scientific activities from Mediterranean and Middle Eastern countries, but contributions from other countries are welcome.

ActaBiomed publishes only papers in English including

  1. Original clinical research
  2. Review clinical articles, Update review, Focus on
  3. Orthopaedics and Surgery
  4. Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
  5. Clinical case reports
  6. Analyses of ethical and social aspects
  7. Health Professions
  8. Letters to the Editor and Correspondence.

Papers are considered for publication only based on the rigor of scientific approach.

From January 1st, 2024 no more than one supplement per year will be taken in consideration, after the approval of the Editor in Chief, following the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) recommendations on “Supplements, Theme Issues, and Special Series” and the related guidance in this section.

For further information and supplement quotations please contact: [email protected].

ActaBiomed is indexed by Google Scholar, Scopus, EMBASE, Elsevier BioBASE, Bibliovigilance. The Journal has a web site (www.actabiomedica.it) and is published by "Mattioli 1885", an experienced Company in scientific journal publication in Italy. ActaBiomed offers three additional services: “ABM-Online-first” and “Fast publication”.

The Journal publishes 6 regular issues for year: N. 1 (February issue), N. 2 (April issue), N. 3 (June issue), N. 4 (August issue), N. 5 (October issue), N. 6 (December issue).

ActaBiomed, founded 1806, is official expression of the Society of Medicine and Natural Sciences of Parma, Parma, Italy, instituted in 1735, as well as one of the oldest published Journals in the world (ref. http://somedparma.it/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/04-editoriale-virdis.pdf).

The Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology of Emilia-Romagna and Triveneto (S.E.R.T.O.T.), the International Network for Endocrine Complications in Thalassemias and Adolescence Medicine (ICET-A) (ref. de Sanctis V and Soliman AT. ICET-A an Opportunity for Improving Thalassemia Management. J Blood Disord. 2014;1(1): 2.), and the Parma Study Group of Nursing Sciences are official partners of ActaBiomed.



(Last update version: 1 February 2024)