A rare combined injury of dorsal fracture-dislocation of four carpometacarpal joints and trapezium, trapezoid and distal radius bone fractures

A rare combined injury of dorsal fracture-dislocation of four carpometacarpal joints and trapezium, trapezoid and distal radius bone fractures


  • Georgios Touloupakis Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, San Carlo Borromeo Hospital, Milan, Italy
  • Wilfried Stuflesser Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, San Carlo Borromeo Hospital, Milan, Italy
  • Guido Antonini Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, San Carlo Borromeo Hospital, Milan, Italy
  • Fabrizio Ferrara Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, San Carlo Borromeo Hospital, Milan, Italy
  • Cornelio Crippa Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, San Carlo Borromeo Hospital, Milan, Italy
  • Maria Gabriella Lettera Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, San Carlo Borromeo Hospital, Milan, Italy


Multiple carpometacarpal dislocation, radius fracture concomitant carpal lesions, open reduction internal fixation, metacarpal bones


Incorrect or delayed diagnosis and treatment of the carpometacarpal fracture-dislocations is often associated with poor prognosis. We present a rare case of unusual pattern of injury, involving dorsal dislocation of four ulnar carpometacarpal joints, associated with fracture of the trapezium, a burst fracture of the trapezoid  bone and an extra-articular fracture of the third distal  of the radius.
The first surgical intervention was followed by unsatisfactory results, confirmed by the CT scans. A second surgery followed and an open reduction and pinning with K wires performed. Post-operative follow up lasting for nine months revealed a very good surgical outcome.




How to Cite

Touloupakis G, Stuflesser W, Antonini G, Ferrara F, Crippa C, Lettera MG. A rare combined injury of dorsal fracture-dislocation of four carpometacarpal joints and trapezium, trapezoid and distal radius bone fractures. Acta Biomed. 2016;87(1):101-105. Accessed March 14, 2025. https://mattioli1885journals.com/index.php/actabiomedica/article/view/5142