Diabetic ketoacidosis in a 9 month old child and the journey to 4 years

Diabetic ketoacidosis in a 9 month old child and the journey to 4 years


  • Assumpta Udechi Chapp-Jumbo Abia State University Teaching Hospital, Aba, Abia State, Nigeria
  • Stella Ijeoma Abia State University Teaching Hospital, Aba, Abia State, Nigeria


Insulin dependent, infant, diabetes, ketoacidosis, hypoglycemia


We report a case of diabetes mellitus in a 9-month-old male, a product of a non-consanguinous marriage with no family history of diabetes mellitus. He presented initially with ketoacidosis in our emergency room and recovered from coma after 48 hours but was discharged after 14 days. He is now 4 years old and doing well and caregivers are coping even with the challenges of caring for a very young diabetic child. This article will help to build up the data bank for diabetes in infancy and childhood in our environment as well as highlight the challenges faced by both caregivers and physicians in the management of very young diabetics irrespective of socioeconomic status.

Author Biography

Assumpta Udechi Chapp-Jumbo, Abia State University Teaching Hospital, Aba, Abia State, Nigeria

department of paediatrics, senior lecturer




How to Cite

Chapp-Jumbo AU, Ijeoma S. Diabetic ketoacidosis in a 9 month old child and the journey to 4 years. Acta Biomed. 2014;85(3):285-288. Accessed March 12, 2025. https://mattioli1885journals.com/index.php/actabiomedica/article/view/3538