Respiratory effects of surgery and pulmonary function testing in the preoperative evaluation
Abdominal and thoracic surgery, pulmonary function tests, preoperative assessment, spirometryAbstract
Advanced age, smoking habit, obesity or malnutrition, the coexistence of hypercapnia, bronchospasm or bronchial hypersecretion, the lack of pre-operative preparation and/or a prolonged duration of anaesthesia can negatively influence respiratory function in patients undergoing abdominal or thoracic surgery. Spirometric testing of pulmonary function is recommended in patients with a history of tobacco use or dyspnoea who are considered for cardiac or upper abdominal surgery and for all patients who are candidated for lung resection. Spirometry can provide cut-off values of acceptable risk in patients that are candidated for abdominal and thoracic surgery. At-risk patients having resective lung surgery should undergo a split lung function study with quantitative lung scanning or computed tomography in order to estimate the function of residual parenchyma after surgery. In patients with borderline estimated values, a cardiopulmonary exercise test is useful to further stratify surgical risk.Downloads
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