The personal injury in the customary law of Northern Albania: historical and literary considerations

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Alessandro Bonsignore
Artiola Islami
Stefano Alice
Rosagemma Ciliberti


Kanun by Leke Dukagjini, personal injury, Albanian customary law, customary law, legal tradition


Background: The Kanun of Lekë Dukagjini, the customary legal system of Northern Albania, governed the social and legal life of local communities for centuries, regulating every aspect of life, including compensation and the management of personal injury. One of the least studied aspects of the Kanun concerns personal injury and how it was to be compensated.

Methodology: This study is based on the analysis of existing literature on the Kanun, with particular attention to historical documents and literary interpretations.

Objectives: The analysis aims to explore the pragmatic approach of the Kanun to managing personal injury, highlighting the economic and symbolic logic underlying compensation.

Results: In the absence of a centralized judicial system, conflict resolution occurred through arbitrators (“senior arbiters”), chosen for their wisdom and impartiality, often involving Kanun doctors to assess injuries. Compensation followed predefined criteria.

Conclusion: Contemporary reflection on compensation and punishment can draw inspiration from this tradition, suggesting an evolution of modern systems towards greater integration between repair and prevention of harm, in line with the idea of a more holistic approach to justice.

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