Bioarchaeology as a means to enhance the territory

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Marta Licata
Arianna Vanni


minor cultural heritage, peripheral archaeological sites, tourism, Bio-Archive, Valcuvia


The bioarchaeological project in Valcuvia aimed to enhance and make accessible three archaeological sites in northern Italy. This initiative sought to address the historical, environmental, and cultural dimensions of the territory, using bioarcheology as a multidisciplinary tool. Beyond unraveling historical narratives, the project aimed to preserve and revitalize forgotten archaeological sites, fostering sustainable redevelopment and tourism initiatives. The proposal encompassed archaeological research, museum site valorization, and multimedia dissemination strategies, creating an interconnected system for rediscovery, recovery, and promotion. The project involved local communities, offering educational programs, creating the website and employing virtual reconstructions to facilitate remote exploration. Results included the completion of archaeological and anthropological investigations, closure of excavations, the end of the osteological analysis and the establishment of informative elements at each site. The project maximized impact, diffusion, and sustainability, contributing to the creation of the Insubre Bio-Archive for long-term preservation of the material retrieved from each site, but also from the Varese province. The bioarchaeological project in Valcuvia not only uncovered the historical tapestry of the region but also set the stage for sustained tourism, economic growth, and community involvement. The interconnected approach to research, preservation, and promotion serves as a model for revitalizing similar territories and fostering a positive relationship between history, institutions, and communities.

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