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MAPOD4D “CSSG”: the first Metaverse on the skeletal recovery in the experimental field laboratory for the research on technological applications in the archaeological UNESCO site of Castelseprio – San Giovanni  
Alessandra Mazzucchi, Roberto Taglioretti, Maurizio Marinato
• To illustrate a Metaverse that actually follows the London Charter objectives and principles.
• A case of application of FLOSS principles and ethic to a software dedicated to cultural heritage.
• Digital assets such as audio, video, VLF scanning, photo and 3D models in public archaeology.
• First Metaverse to teach the methods to recover the archaeological skeletons.

From Bones to Understanding: The Importance of Teaching Biological Anthropology to Children
Nicol Rossetti
• To expand children’s horizons by introducing biological anthropology to pre-university education.
• To bridge this educational gap in order to prepare young learners for higher education and scientific discussions.
• To understand children’s perspectives in order to design effective educational programs on biological anthropology for primary schools.
• To integrate innovative approaches to introduce anthropology into primary schools, such as interactive curricula and digital tools.

The Inca collection (13th-15th century AD) from the Boccolari-Parenti collection (Modena, Italy): preliminary bioanthropological and paleopathological analyses
Mirko Traversari, Adriana Latorre, Cristiana Zanasi, Elena Righi, Ilaria Pulini, Irene Faenza, Sara Salucci, Gianandrea Pasquinelli, Luca Ventura
• To rediscover ancient bioanthropological museum collections.
• To verify, in the light of modern technologies, historical information linked to an ancient museum donation.
• To chronologically place ancient bioanthropological finds out of their context of origin.
• To verify paleopathological aspects of an ancient pre-Columbian population.

Behind the wall: a paleopathological examination of a non-adult subject from the cemetery of Santa Maria Maggiore, Vercelli
Arianna Vanni, Roberta Fusco
• To shed light on a nonadult individual from FU12 of the cemetery of Santa Maria Maggiore.
• Non-adult#1 was an infant exhibiting porosity & neo-osseous deposition on the retrieved bones.
• To shed light on scurvy's impact and prevalence in a Modern Era high class sample.

Archaeobotanical analysis in Cittanova necropolis (Modena)
Federica Riso
• Cittanova necropolis dates from the II century BC to the II century AD
• Cittanova site had a key role during the romanization process of the city of Mutina
• A total of 211 seeds/fruits and 5 taxa have been identified, among which Cereals, Legumes and wild species.
• The high number of Sambucus ebulus is evidence of an uncultivated area.

Published: 11-04-2024



Marta Licata
Abstract 94 | PDF Downloads 43

Page e2024001

Original Article: Physical Anthropology

Short Report: Museum

Case Report: Archaeobotany

Archaeobotanical analysis in Cittanova necropolis (Modena)

Federica Riso
Abstract 90 | PDF Downloads 65

Page e2024002

Case Report: Paleopathology

The Inca collection (13th-15th century AD) from the Boccolari-Parenti collection (Modena, Italy): preliminary bioanthropological and paleopathological analyses

Mirko Traversari, Adriana Latorre, Cristiana Zanasi, Elena Righi, Ilaria Pulini, Irene Faenza, Sara Salucci, Gianandrea Pasquinelli, Luca Ventura
Abstract 141 | PDF Downloads 89

Page e2024003