Spontaneous resolution of a tumor like pulmonary sarcoidosis

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Zied Moatemri
Ghassen Soussi
Salsabil Dabboussi
Samira Mhamdi
Chiraz Aichaouia
Mohsen Khadraoui
Rezaik Cheikh


Sarcoidosis, Lung masses, Transthoracic biopsy


We report a case of thoracic sarcoidosis in a 72-year-old female, snuff taker, who presented with multinodular pulmonary lesions on chest x-ray. Clinical and biological findings were poor. Thoracic imaging showed soft tissue density nodules with irregular borders. The diagnosis of ‘cannon ball’ metastases was suspected. A thorough investigation strategy could not prove malignancy. A complete radiologic clearing was obtained spontaneously within three months. A rereading of pathology slides performed afterwards showed multinucleated giant cells on hemorrhagic background with a lymphocytic alveolitis. The diagnosis of pseudotumoral sarcoidosis was made. The clinical course was favorable with a 6years follow-up. 

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