Published: 07-10-2016

Original Articles: Clinical Research

Conjunctival Biopsy as a First Choice to Confirm a Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis

Pervin Korkmaz Ekren, Nesrin Mogulkoc, Zehra Nur Toreyin, Sait Egrilmez, Ali Veral, Taner Akalın, Feza Bacakoglu
Abstract 295 | PDF Downloads 137

Page 196-200

Clinical features of Sarcoidosis in Oman: A report from the Middle East region

B Jayakrishnan, Nasser Al-Busaidi, Ahsan Al-Lawati, Jojy George, Omar A Al-Rawas, Yaqoub Al-Mahrouqi, Nabil Al-Lawati
Abstract 112 | PDF Downloads 76

Page 201-208

Role of Pulmonary Evaluation in Diagnosis of Neurosarcoidosis

Pascal Kingah, Muhammad Alam, Karan Chugh, John Kamholz, Lobelia Samavati
Abstract 82 | PDF Downloads 105

Page 209-215

The Value of Biomarkers as Predictors of Outcome in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis-Associated Usual Interstitial Pneumonia

Young Seok Lee, Ho Cheol Kim, Bo Young Lee, Chang Keun Lee, Mi-Young Kim, Se Jin Jang, Hye Sun Lee, Jieun Moon, Thomas V. Colby, Dong Soon Kim
Abstract 144 | PDF Downloads 285

Page 216-223

Lung transplantation for high-risk patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

Nilto C De Oliveira, Walker Julliard, Satoru Osaki, James D Maloney, Richard D Cornwell, David A Sonetti, Keith C. Meyer
Abstract 115 | PDF Downloads 81

Page 235-241

Long-term efficacy of macrolide treatment in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a retrospective analysis

Naoyuki Kuse, Shinji Abe, Hiroki Hayashi, Koichiro Kamio, Yoshinobu Saito, Jiro Usuki, Arata Azuma, Shoji Kudoh, Akihiko Gemma
Abstract 180 | PDF Downloads 128

Page 242-246

Clinical significance of the “galaxy sign” in patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis in a Japanese single-center cohort

Takashi Koide, Takeshi Saraya, Yayoi Tsukahara, Francesco Bonella, Eda Börner, Manabu Ishida, Yukari Ogawa, Ichiro Hirukawa, Miku Oda, Masafumi Shimoda, Kosuke Ohkuma, Masachika Fujiwara, Saori Takata, Takuma Yokoyama, Daisuke Kurai, Haruyuki Ishii, Hajime Goto, Hajime Takizawa
Abstract 236 | PDF Downloads 372

Page 247-252

GSTT1 and GSTM1 gene polymorphisims in sarcoidosis

Funda Coskun, Mutlu Karkucak, Dilber Yilmaz, Tahsin Yakut, Esra Uzaslan
Abstract 181 | PDF Downloads 100

Page 253-257

Role of Xpert MTB/RIF in differentiating tuberculosis from sarcoidosis in patients with mediastinal lymphadenopathy undergoing EBUS-TBNA: a study of 147 patients

Sahajal Dhooria, Nalini Gupta, Amanjit Bal, Inderpaul Singh Sehgal, Ashutosh Nath Aggarwal, Sunil Sethi, Digambar Behera, Ritesh Agarwal
Abstract 111 | PDF Downloads 125

Page 258-266

The predictors of mortality in IPF - Does emphysema change the prognosis?

Fatma Tokgoz Akyıl, Tülin Sevim, Canan Akman, Emine Aksoy, Meltem Ağca, Oguz Aktas, Mustafa Akyıl
Abstract 496 | PDF Downloads 277

Page 267-274

Causes of death in patients with chronic sarcoidosis

Xiaowen Hu, Eva M. Carmona, Eunhee S. Yi, Patricia A. Pellikka, Jay Ryu
Abstract 142 | PDF Downloads 397

Page 275-280

Case Series

Pulmonary stenting for the treatment of sarcoid induced pulmonary vascular stenosis.

Jose F Condado, Vasilis Babaliaros, Travis S Henry, Brian Kaebnick, Dennis Kim, Gerald W Staton Jr
Abstract 143 | PDF Downloads 152

Page 281-287

Case Reports

Crohn’s disease-associated interstitial lung disease mimicking sarcoidosis: a case report and review of the literature

Choua Thao, Amir Lagstein, Tadashi Allen, Huseyin Erhan Dincer, Hyun Joo Kim
Abstract 163 | PDF Downloads 283

Page 288-291

Spontaneous resolution of a tumor like pulmonary sarcoidosis

Zied Moatemri, Ghassen Soussi, Salsabil Dabboussi, Samira Mhamdi, Chiraz Aichaouia, Mohsen Khadraoui, Rezaik Cheikh
Abstract 147 | PDF Downloads 158

Page 292-296

Subacute sarcoid myositis with ocular muscle involvement; a case report and review of the literature

Y Hayashi, Yoshiki Ishii, J. Nagasawa, S. Arai, H. Okada, F. Ohmi, T. Umetsu, Y. Machida, K. Kurasawa, A. Takemasa, S. Suzuki, T. Senoh, T. Sada, K. Hirata
Abstract 148 | PDF Downloads 119

Page 297-301

Isolated extraocular orbital mass: a rare presentation of sarcoidosis

Birendra P Sah, Bikram Sharma, Michael C. Iannuzzi
Abstract 119 | PDF Downloads 115

Page 302-304

Letter to Editor

Transcriptional blood signatures of sarcoidosis, sarcoid-like reactions and tubercolosis and their diagnostic implications

Georgi Tchernev, Anastasiya Atanasova Chokoeva, Marco Tana, Claudio Tana
Abstract 169 | PDF Downloads 79

Page 305