Movimentazione manuale dei carichi e trasporto manuale:valutazione del rischio e prevalenza di patologie correlate nelle imprese edili lucane / Manual lifting and manual transport: risk assessment and prevalence of work-related diseases in construction...
Contenuto principale dell'articolo
Lavoratori edili, movimentazione manuale, trasporto manuale, Construction workers, manual lifting, manual transport
Introduzione: La Direzione Regionale di Basilicata dell’INAIL ed Edilcassa di Basilicata hanno promosso un progetto finalizzato alla valutazione del rischio da Movimentazione Manuale dei Carichi (MMC) nelle imprese edili lucane ed alla stima della prevalenza delle patologie correlate. Materiali e metodi: La valutazione dei rischi è stata effettuata analizzando 204 giornate lavorative di altrettanti operatori edili, analizzando tutti i determinanti di rischio per la MMC e per il trasporto manuale con una metodica innovativa: recupero delle informazioni (sull’entità del rischio) basato sulla rilevazione anamnestica, con questionario, delle attività di MMC effettuate il giorno precedente la rilevazione dei dati. Risultati: E emersa una esposizione al rischio MMC significativa, essendo il rischio presente in 195 giornate, con un valore medio del VLI di 2,1 (min 0,4, max 8,5), con valori più alti nel settore delle Ristrutturazioni (VLI medio pari a 2,3, min 0,4, max 8,5), e senza notevoli differenze fra le diverse mansioni. Il rischio di trasporto manuale è presente in 129 giornate, con valori medi di 1,2 (min 0,2, max 3,3) senza notevoli differenze fra le diverse mansioni analizzate. Per entrambi i rischi è stata rilevate la presenza di fattori aggiuntivi non analizzati dai metodi di valutazione utilizzati (per la MMC: 8,8% di geometrie in area critica; per il trasporto manuale: 39% di trasporto a spalla, 42,5% di percorso accidentato e 31,9% di percorso con dislivello), per cui è presumibile che il rischio reale sia superiore a quanto indicato dagli indici sintetici di esposizione. Il questionario anamnestico ha evidenziato che 148 soggetti su 546 intervistati sono risultati positivi alla soglia anamnestica per dolori o disturbi alla colonna lombosacrale e che 99 soggetti riferiscono di essere affetti da una ernia del disco già diagnosticata. Solo il 18% delle patologie osteoarticolari è stata denunciata all’Istituto Assicuratore, pur essendo diffusa la consapevolezza che le patologie in questione possono essere correlate al lavoro. Le patologie della colonna vertebrale sono responsabili di un assenteismo pari ad 1,9%, pari al 30-40% dell’assenteismo totale degli operatori iscritti ad Edilcassa di Basilicata. Conclusioni: Questo lavoro vorrebbe essere di stimolo a studi analoghi con l’obbiettivo di raggiungere una massa critica di dati sufficiente a fornire ai datori di lavoro delle stime attendibili del rischio da MMC e raggiungere quindi due risultati concreti: facilitare l’assolvimento all’obbligo normativo della valutazione di questo rischio e nel contempo spostare l’attenzione e le risorse sugli aspetti di bonifica.
Manual lifting and manual transport: risk assessment and prevalence of work-related diseases in construction companies in Basilicata
Background: The Basilicata Regional Headquarters of the Italian Institute for Insurance against Occupational Accidents and Disease (INAIL) and the Basilicata association of small building enterprises (Edilcassa di Basilicata) promoted a research project to assess the risk of manual lifting and manual transport in construction enterprises in the Basilicata Region and estimate the prevalence of related diseases. Methods: Manual lifting risk assessment was performed by calculating the VLI of 204 working days in as many building workers. Manual transport risk assessment was carried out comparing the weights transported (on the 204 days tested) with the reference values of the “Snoock and Ciriello” tables. Results: Manual lifting risk was present on 195 of the 204 days, with an average value of VLI equal to 2.1 (min 0.4, max 8.5), with higher values in the restructuring sector (VLI average of 2.3, min 0.4, max 8.5), and no significant differences between the different tasks. Manual transport risk was present on 129 of the 204 days, with average values of 1.2 (min 0.2, max 3.3), with no significant differences between the different tasks analyzed. For both risks additional factors were present that were not analyzed by the methods of assessment used (for manual lifting: 8.8% of the geometries in the critical area; for manual transport: 39% of transport on shoulders, 42.5% on a route with uneven surface and 31.9% on a sloping route), so it is likely that the actual risk is greater than that indicated by the synthetic indices of exposure. The medical questionnaire showed from the case histories that 148 out of 546 subjects were positive for the threshold for pain or discomfort in the lumbosacral spine area and 99 out of 546 subjects reported suffering from an already diagnosed herniated spinal disk. Only 18% of osteoarticular diseases was reported to the Insurance Institute, although there was widespread awareness that the diseases in question might be related to work. Diseases of the spine were responsible for 1.9% of absenteeism, equal to 30-40% of total absenteeism of workers enrolled in “Edilcassa di Basilicata”. Conclusions: The method used provides a solid basis for evaluating the two risks in the construction industry, where employment is subject to extreme organizational, environmental and structural (machines, tools, operators involved) variability. Employment in the construction industry involves significant exposure to the two risks, counting for 30-40% of total absenteeism in this sector.
Manual lifting and manual transport: risk assessment and prevalence of work-related diseases in construction companies in Basilicata
Background: The Basilicata Regional Headquarters of the Italian Institute for Insurance against Occupational Accidents and Disease (INAIL) and the Basilicata association of small building enterprises (Edilcassa di Basilicata) promoted a research project to assess the risk of manual lifting and manual transport in construction enterprises in the Basilicata Region and estimate the prevalence of related diseases. Methods: Manual lifting risk assessment was performed by calculating the VLI of 204 working days in as many building workers. Manual transport risk assessment was carried out comparing the weights transported (on the 204 days tested) with the reference values of the “Snoock and Ciriello” tables. Results: Manual lifting risk was present on 195 of the 204 days, with an average value of VLI equal to 2.1 (min 0.4, max 8.5), with higher values in the restructuring sector (VLI average of 2.3, min 0.4, max 8.5), and no significant differences between the different tasks. Manual transport risk was present on 129 of the 204 days, with average values of 1.2 (min 0.2, max 3.3), with no significant differences between the different tasks analyzed. For both risks additional factors were present that were not analyzed by the methods of assessment used (for manual lifting: 8.8% of the geometries in the critical area; for manual transport: 39% of transport on shoulders, 42.5% on a route with uneven surface and 31.9% on a sloping route), so it is likely that the actual risk is greater than that indicated by the synthetic indices of exposure. The medical questionnaire showed from the case histories that 148 out of 546 subjects were positive for the threshold for pain or discomfort in the lumbosacral spine area and 99 out of 546 subjects reported suffering from an already diagnosed herniated spinal disk. Only 18% of osteoarticular diseases was reported to the Insurance Institute, although there was widespread awareness that the diseases in question might be related to work. Diseases of the spine were responsible for 1.9% of absenteeism, equal to 30-40% of total absenteeism of workers enrolled in “Edilcassa di Basilicata”. Conclusions: The method used provides a solid basis for evaluating the two risks in the construction industry, where employment is subject to extreme organizational, environmental and structural (machines, tools, operators involved) variability. Employment in the construction industry involves significant exposure to the two risks, counting for 30-40% of total absenteeism in this sector.