Sorveglianza regionale delle esposizione professionali percutanee o mucocutanee a patogeni a trasmissione ematica negli operatori sanitari: aree di intervento preventivo / Regional surveillance of occupational percutaneous and mucocutaneous exposure to blood-borne pathogens in health care workers: strategies for prevention
Contenuto principale dell'articolo
Health-care workers, blood-borne pathogens, percutaneous exposure
Diversi studi hanno indagato, su casistiche selezionate, frequenza e modalità delle esposizioni professionali a patogeni a trasmissione ematica. Non sono presenti dati che descrivano la situazione epidemiologica complessiva di una regione. Definire le caratteristiche epidemiologiche delle esposizioni percutanee e mucocutanee a liquidi biologici nel periodo 1999-2002 in 47 su 56 ospedali pubblici del Piemonte (90% del totale di 15000 letti, più di 28000 operatori) e individuare possibili aree di intervento preventivo. Uso della scheda di rilevamento del sistema di sorveglianza Siroh (Studio Italiano Rischio Occupazionale da HIV). Sono state segnalate 5174 esposizioni percutanee e 1724 mucocutanee (12.7/100 posti letto per anno e 4,1/100 posti letto per anno). La distribuzione dei tassi di infortunio suddivisi per ospedale testimonia una notevole variabilità dovuta anche alla differente sensibilità alla notifica. Le categorie maggiormente a rischio sono i chirurghi per le esposizioni percutanee (9,3/100 operatori) e le ostetriche per quelle mucocutanee (2,9/100 operatori). I presidi più frequentemente coinvolti nelle esposizioni percutanee sono gli aghi da siringa (30%), i butterfly (15%), gli aghi da sutura (13%). Il 60% delle esposizioni percutanee avviene dopo l’utilizzo del presidio. L’83% degli operatori è vaccinato per HBV. In caso di incidente con paziente fonte HIV positivo, la profilassi antiretrovirale è effettuata nel 40% delle esposizioni percutanee e nell’11% delle mucocutanee. Si sono verificate 2 sieroconversioni in seguito a esposizione percutanea a paziente fonte HCV positivo (tasso di sieroconversione: 0,2%). I tassi evidenziati sono simili a quelli riportati dalla letteratura. Le aree di intervento preventivo in Piemonte sono: uso di presidi di sicurezza, copertura vaccinale per HBV e chemioprofilassi, analisi delle esposizioni evitabili, monitoraggio dell’uso di DPI, riduzione della sottonotifica.
Regional surveillance of occupational percutaneous and mucocutaneous exposure to blood-borne pathogens in health care workers: strategies for prevention
Background: Several studies have investigated both the frequency and modality of occurrence of occupational exposure of health-care workers to blood-borne pathogens. At the moment no complete epidemiological data are available covering the hospitals of an entire Region. Objectives and Methods: To describe the characteristics of mucocutaneous and percutaneous exposure to body fluids of the healthcare workers in 47 out of the 56 public hospitals (90% of a total 15,000 beds, 28,000 health-care workers full time equivalent) in Piedmont, Northern Italy (4.5 million inhabitants) over a three-year period (1999-2002), using SIROH (Studio Italiano Rischio Occupazionale da HIV) model to collect the data. Results and Conclusions: 5174 percutaneous injuries (12.7/100 beds) and 1724 mucocutaneous exposure (4.1/100 beds) were recorded. Surveillance data were similar to those collected in other multi-hospital studies. The variability of rates between hospitals was high, most likely due to the amount of underreporting. The categories most at risk of percutaneous and mucocutaneous exposure were, respectively, surgeons (9.3/100 surgeons) and midwives (2.9/100 midwives). Needles (syringe, winged steel, suture) were the medical devices most frequently involved in percutaneous injuries, 60% of which occurred after the use of such devices. Eighty-three per cent of healthcare workers had been HBV-vaccinated versus only 45% of cleaning staff. After percutaneous injuries with exposure to an HIV positive source only 40% of those exposed received post-exposure prophylaxis; in the case of mucocutaneous exposure the rate was 11%. We recorded 2 seroconversions following occupational exposure to an HCV positive source (risk of seroconversion: 0,2%). In order to implement preventive programmes the use of safety devices, an increase in the number of HBVvaccinated contract workers, the use of chemoprophylaxis for HIV exposure, and the use of protective equipment are deemed necessary.
Regional surveillance of occupational percutaneous and mucocutaneous exposure to blood-borne pathogens in health care workers: strategies for prevention
Background: Several studies have investigated both the frequency and modality of occurrence of occupational exposure of health-care workers to blood-borne pathogens. At the moment no complete epidemiological data are available covering the hospitals of an entire Region. Objectives and Methods: To describe the characteristics of mucocutaneous and percutaneous exposure to body fluids of the healthcare workers in 47 out of the 56 public hospitals (90% of a total 15,000 beds, 28,000 health-care workers full time equivalent) in Piedmont, Northern Italy (4.5 million inhabitants) over a three-year period (1999-2002), using SIROH (Studio Italiano Rischio Occupazionale da HIV) model to collect the data. Results and Conclusions: 5174 percutaneous injuries (12.7/100 beds) and 1724 mucocutaneous exposure (4.1/100 beds) were recorded. Surveillance data were similar to those collected in other multi-hospital studies. The variability of rates between hospitals was high, most likely due to the amount of underreporting. The categories most at risk of percutaneous and mucocutaneous exposure were, respectively, surgeons (9.3/100 surgeons) and midwives (2.9/100 midwives). Needles (syringe, winged steel, suture) were the medical devices most frequently involved in percutaneous injuries, 60% of which occurred after the use of such devices. Eighty-three per cent of healthcare workers had been HBV-vaccinated versus only 45% of cleaning staff. After percutaneous injuries with exposure to an HIV positive source only 40% of those exposed received post-exposure prophylaxis; in the case of mucocutaneous exposure the rate was 11%. We recorded 2 seroconversions following occupational exposure to an HCV positive source (risk of seroconversion: 0,2%). In order to implement preventive programmes the use of safety devices, an increase in the number of HBVvaccinated contract workers, the use of chemoprophylaxis for HIV exposure, and the use of protective equipment are deemed necessary.