Esperienza di prevenzione di un Servizio ASL nei cantieri della ricostruzione post–sismica in Umbria / Prevention of building site accidents in Umbria during reconstruction after an earthquake: the experience of one Local Health Unit
Contenuto principale dell'articolo
Building site related accidents, construction notifications, SPSAL surveillance activity after earthquake
Il fenomeno infortunistico nel comparto delle costruzioni, in ragione della sua frequenza e della gravità degli esiti, costituisce una vera e propria “emergenza sanitaria”. Ciò in relazione alla peculiarità delle condizioni di lavoro caratterizzate da una forte pressione economica, temporale ed organizzativa. Pertanto, a seguito del terremoto del 1997 che ha colpito in particolare il territorio dell’Assisano, il Servizio di Prevenzione e Sicurezza negli Ambienti di Lavoro della ASL n. 2-Umbria ha posto in essere una serie di attività volte al controllo dei cantieri impegnati nella ricostruzione i cui risultati vengono di seguito illustrati. In particolare sono stati monitorati i flussi relativi alle notifiche di cantiere prevenute ai sensi dell’art.11 del D.Lvo 494/96 (e succ. m/i), ed agli infortuni sul lavoro incrociati con i dati dell’ attività di vigilanza compresi i provvedimenti amministrativi. Il monitoraggio ha consentito di evidenziare un forte incremento dell’attività edile con il passaggio da circa 200 cantieri/anno avviati nel periodo precedente il terremoto a circa 1400 nel periodo di massima attività post-sismica. Di pari passo anche l’attività di vigilanza ha subito un forte incremento raggiungendo i 350 sopralluoghi/anno e l’ispezione di almeno 250 cantieri/anno per un tortale di circa 600 imprese/anno controllate. Le principali violazioni riscontrate hanno riguardato i lavori in altezza, i ponteggi e in generale le protezioni contro le cadute dall’alto, ed i DPI. L’analisi dell’andamento infortunistico, pur registrando un incremento del numero assoluto di eventi (da circa 150 eventi/anno si è passati a circa 300 eventi/anno), è stato caratterizzato da un calo dei relativi indici di incidenza, in considerazione del repentino e marcatissimo innalzamento del numero di imprese e di lavoratori avutosi nei lavori di ricostruzione; ciò depone a favore di un buon risultato dell’azione di prevenzione. Il monitoraggio dei flussi sopra indicati, si è rivelato inoltre uno strumento informativo strategico per cogliere tempestivamente le trasformazioni della realtà produttiva di riferimento e modulare le azioni di prevenzione pianificate.
Prevention of building site accidents in Umbria during reconstruction after an earthquake: the experience of one Local Health Unit
Background and Objectives: Building site related accidents are so frequent and are associated with such serious consequences that they constitute a major “health emergency” in Italy where dangerous work conditions in the construction industry often derive from excessive financial, organisational and time pressures. After the 1997 earthquake in Umbria an extensive re-building programme led to a concentration of innumerable construction firms, sub-tendering practices and the use of poorly skilled workforces who were often employed in the black economy. At the same time, SPSAL (Prevention Service for Occupational Settings) activity needed to be intensified in Perugia Health Unit No 2 in the District of Assisi, which had been devastated by the earthquake. Discussion and Conclusions: To monitor construction site development, related accidents and injuries, and surveillance activity, data were collected from building site notifications on the basis of Article 11, Law 494/96, outcomes of inspections, including sanctions, and INAIL (National Insurances) certificates of work-related injuries. Construction notifications showed building sites increased in number from the 200sites/year before the earthquake to almost 1400 per year at maximum reconstruction activity. Inspections and surveillance also increased to over 350 inspections/year in 250 sites/year. About 600 firms were monitored and sanctions increased. Sanctions mainly referred to high-level work, scaffolding, protection against falls from heights, and DPI.(Personal Protective Equipments). Accidents increased from 150/year before the earthquake to about 300/year. The annual incidence, a rough indicator of prevention, dropped, indicating good quality prevention strategies were in force. The drop in the annual incidence index would not have been evident without concomitant monitoring of notifications and certificates of work-related injuries. These two databases are invaluable tools when investigating changes in the reference standard of the construction industry and assessing the efficacy of implemented prevention programmes.
Prevention of building site accidents in Umbria during reconstruction after an earthquake: the experience of one Local Health Unit
Background and Objectives: Building site related accidents are so frequent and are associated with such serious consequences that they constitute a major “health emergency” in Italy where dangerous work conditions in the construction industry often derive from excessive financial, organisational and time pressures. After the 1997 earthquake in Umbria an extensive re-building programme led to a concentration of innumerable construction firms, sub-tendering practices and the use of poorly skilled workforces who were often employed in the black economy. At the same time, SPSAL (Prevention Service for Occupational Settings) activity needed to be intensified in Perugia Health Unit No 2 in the District of Assisi, which had been devastated by the earthquake. Discussion and Conclusions: To monitor construction site development, related accidents and injuries, and surveillance activity, data were collected from building site notifications on the basis of Article 11, Law 494/96, outcomes of inspections, including sanctions, and INAIL (National Insurances) certificates of work-related injuries. Construction notifications showed building sites increased in number from the 200sites/year before the earthquake to almost 1400 per year at maximum reconstruction activity. Inspections and surveillance also increased to over 350 inspections/year in 250 sites/year. About 600 firms were monitored and sanctions increased. Sanctions mainly referred to high-level work, scaffolding, protection against falls from heights, and DPI.(Personal Protective Equipments). Accidents increased from 150/year before the earthquake to about 300/year. The annual incidence, a rough indicator of prevention, dropped, indicating good quality prevention strategies were in force. The drop in the annual incidence index would not have been evident without concomitant monitoring of notifications and certificates of work-related injuries. These two databases are invaluable tools when investigating changes in the reference standard of the construction industry and assessing the efficacy of implemented prevention programmes.